1. Cost-Benefit Analysis in Public Health Insurances. A Perspective on the Design of the Cost-Effectiveness Principle in Health Insurance Law?, Schriftenreihe zum Gesundheitsrecht Vol. 33, 357 pages, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2015 (also Dissertation: Munich, 2014).
- Awarded the 2014 Faculty Prize of the Faculty of Law at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich and the Doctoral Prize of the Munich Juridical Society e.V.
- Reviews: S. Rixen, SGb 2015, pp. 586 ff., also published in NZS 2015, pp. 900 ff.; O. Jansen, Gesundheitswesen 2015, p. 77; S. Huster, Die Verwaltung 2016, pp. 149 ff.
2. The Non-existent Act – a Dogmatic Reconstruction, Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht, Vol. 1294, 212 pages, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2015.
- Review: J. Klement, Die Verwaltung 2016, pp. 592 ff.
3. Expertocracy. Between Rule by Virtue of Knowledge and Political Decisionism, Jus Publicum, Vol. 292, 749 pages, Mohr Siebeck, 2020.
- Awarded the 2021 Prize for Law of Science and the 2022 Prize of the Democracy Foundation of the University of Cologne
- Reviews: K.F. Gärditz, JZ 2021, pp. 461 ff.; M. Fuchs, VBlBW 2021, pp. 218 f.; U. Storost, fachbuchjournal 13 (2021), p. 52; R. Mehring, Zeitschrift für Politik (ZfP), 68 (2021), pp. 220 f.; W. Durner, DVBl 2021, pp. 1153 f.; v. Lewinski, ZGl 4/2022, VIII; F. Hartleb, Magazin Öffentliche Sicherheit, 2022, p. 121; M. Wiemers, NVwZ 2021, 1761; G.Müller/J. P. Müller, Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht 2022, pp. 92 ff.
1. N. Marsch/L. Münkler/T. Wischmeyer (Eds.), Apocryphal Writings – Reception and Oblivion in Studies of Public Law, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2019.
2. L. Münkler/J. Stenzel (Eds.), Staging of Law, Velbrück, Weilerswist 2019.
3. L. Münkler (Ed.), Dimensions of Knowledge in Law, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2019.
1. Studies on the State, Law, and Administration, together with Gabriele Britz, Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem, and Jens-Peter Schneider.
2. Writings on Social Law, together with P. Axer, U. Becker, K.-J. Bieback (et al.)
3. Essays on Public Law, Wuerzburg University Press (WUP, Open Access Series), together with Markus Ludwigs, Stefanie Schmahl, and Ralf P. Schenke.
The Judicial Control of Guidelines of the Joint Federal Committee, Particularly regarding the Degree of Control, RsDE 74 (2013), pp. 42 - 65.
Militarization of Extended Administrative Assistance? On Constitutional Elaboration by the Federal Constitutional Court, ZG 2013, pp. 376 - 393.
Agile Steering through Area of Concentration Planning, NVwZ 2014, pp. 1482 – 1488.
The Ecological State, in: Peter Bultmann/ Klaus J. Griogoleit/ Christoph Gusy/ Jens Kersten/ Christian-W. Otto/ Christina Preschel (Eds.), Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht. Institute, Kontexte, System. Festschrift für Ulrich Battis, Munich 2014, pp. 143 - 157.
Settlement Control in Outer Areas, VerwArch 2015, pp. 475 - 498.
Anticipatory Effects of Plans in Preparation, DVBl 2016, pp. 22 - 27.
Metaphors in Law. On the Significance of Organic Conceptions of Law and the State, Der Staat 55 (2016), pp. 181 - 211.
Path Dependencies in the Legal System: Legal and Extra-Legal Factors, DöV 2016, pp. 839 – 848.
in a slightly modified form also published in: Wagner/Grosche/Bierschenk/Buus/Czauderna/Dechent/Deicke/Finck/Mengden/Natt/Naumann/Oidtmann/Tröppner (Eds.), Path Dependence of Sovereign Order Models, Tagungsband der 56. Assistententagung Öffentliches Recht, Baden-Baden 2016, pp. 49-69.European Health Administration Law, in: Jörg Philipp Terhechte (Ed.), Verwaltungsrecht der Europäischen Union, Vol. 2, Baden-Baden, 2022, § 32, pp. 1335-1377.
What Does It Mean to and to What End Study Reception and Forgetting?, in: Marsch/Münkler/Wischmeyer, Apokryphe Schriften, Rezeption und Vergessen in der Wissenschaft vom Öffentlichen Recht, Tübingen, 2019, pp. 3-16.
Space as paradigm of internet regulation, in: Krönke/Müller/Yu/Tian, Paradigms of Internet Regulation in the European Union and China, Baden-Baden 2018, S. 139-148;
in a slightly modified form also published in: Special Issue of Frontiers of Law in China (FLC), VOl. 13/3 (2018), S. 412-427.Error Consequences and Collective Lawsuit Systematics in Environmental Law Protection, EurUP 4/2018, pp. 468-487, together mit Albert Ingold.
Diffussion of Responsibility or Effective Externalization of the Ethical Discourse?, in: Grimm/Schleissing (Eds.), Moral und Schuld. Exkulpationsnarrative in Ethikdebatten, TTN-Studien Bd. 9, Baden-Baden 2019, pp. 137-158.
Staging as a Condition of Effectiveness of Law. Why and How to Stage Law?, in: Münkler/Stenzel (Eds.), Inszenierung von Recht, Weilerswist 2019, pp. 19 - 40.
Knowledge - A Blind Spot in Law? Aspects of a Tense Relation, in: Münkler, Dimensionen des Wissens im Recht, Tübingen 2019, pp. 3 - 25.
The Bauhaus Aesthetics of Law. On the Conflict between Different Aesthetic Needs of Law, in: v. Plato/Schürmann (Eds.), Rechtsästhetik - in rechtsphilosophischer Absicht, Baden-Baden, 2020, pp. 169-186.
Health Apps in the Regulatory Framework of Health Law, NZS 2021, pp. 42-48.
Cost-effectiveness as a Limit of Solidarity? Contingency and Irony of Cost-Benefit Evaluations as Allocation Criteria, in: Hofmann/Spiecker gen. Döhmann (Eds.), Solidarität im Gesundheitswesen: Strukturprinzip, Handlungsmaxime, Motor für Zusammenhalt?, Bern 2022, pp. 115-136.
"Nothing else matters". Whom to listen to in the “Corona Crises”?, JöR 69 (2021), pp. 535-554.
The Margin of Assesment as a Dogmatic Nexus, DöV 2021, pp. 615-623.
Practicability as a Legal Argument, AöR 146 (2021), pp. 595-641.
§ 27 - Health, in: Kübek/Tams/Terhechte (Eds.), Handels- und Kooperationsvertrag EU/GB, Handbuch, 2022, together with Anna Böffgen.
also published in english in: EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, 2024.Democracy and Experts. Ambivalences and Legal Solutions, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ) 26/27 (2022), pp. 7-13.
Studies of Criminal Law as a Political Sounding Board? On the Relevance of Insights of Criminal Law Studies for the Legislature, in: Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht 170 (4/2023), pp. 220-231.
Scientific Constitutional Law Policy? Frictions and Conditions of Possibility, in: Bryde/Nettesheim/Münkler, Wissenschaftliche Verfassungsrechtspolitik?, Gröschner/Jestaedt/Kaiser (Eds.), FJP 2023, pp. 73-94.
Cohesion through Constitutional Patriotism? On the Legal Construction of Social Cohesion and the Magic of Symbolism, in: Günther/Thym/Volkmann, Zusammenhalt durch Recht, 2024, pp. 65-100.
The Law Claims to Be Authoritarian - But Is It? On the Relationship between Democratic Law, Authority, and Authoritarianism, will appear in: Engländer/Saliger, ARSP-Beiheft (23 manuscript pages).
Publicization of Private Law, in: Kahl/Ludwigs, Handbuch des Verwaltungsrechts, Bd. VI, 2024 § 173 (pp. 557-595)
Comprehending Democracy Democratically? Legal Implementation Attempts and Remaining Desiderata, in: Nida-Rümelin/Greger/Oldenbourg, Normative Konstituenzien der Demokratie, 2024, pp. 225-244.
Against the Misinformed Citizen? On the Issue of the Need for Design in the Political Information Environment, in prep. (23 manuscript pages).
Kelsen's Dilemma: Democracy between Liberalism and Socialism, in prep. (13 manuscript pages).
Loss of the Political through Epistemization? Technocracy Diagnoses as a Democratic Treatment Strategy instead of an Indication of Sickness, in prep. (31 manuscript pages).
On the Conceptualization of the Relationship between Politics and Expertise in Energy and Climate Protection Law, in progress (21 manuscript pages).
Local Authorities as (New) Actors in ambulant Healthcare?, in prep. (25 manuscript pages).
Legal Commentaries
Art. 22 - 23a LStVG (Emergency signs, gatherings of people, prohibition of uniforms and political symbols), in: Möstl/Schwabenbauer (Eds.), Beck'scher Online-Kommentar Polizei- und Sicherheitsrecht Bayern, 2016 (ongoing update).
Art. 30 - 33 LStVG (Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public areas, poisons, toxic substances, drugs, surveillance), in: Möstl/Schwabenbauer (Eds.), Beck'scher Online-Kommentar Polizei- und Sicherheitsrecht Bayern, 2016 (ongoing update).
Art. 35- 37 GG, in: Schmidt-Bleibtreu/Hofmann/Henneke, Kommentar zum Grundgesetz, Vol. 14, 2017 & Vol. 15, 2021.
§§ 72, 72a, 73, 75, 75a SGB V, in: Becker/Kingreen, SGB V. Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, Vol. 8, 2022.
Art. 74 GG, in: Huber/Voßkuhle, GG-Kommentar, Vol. 8, 2024, (160 manuscript pages).
Miscellaneous Publications
More Transparency!, JURA - Juristische Ausbildung 2015, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 292 - 305.
Review of "Schindler, Jörg Michael, Legal Metaphorology - Outlook on a Metaphorology of Fundamental Rights. An Investigation on the Concept, Function, and Analysis of Legal Metaphors, Berlin 2016”, Der Staat 56 (2017), pp. 138 - 142.
From Specialized- to Inter-Discourse – On the Problem of Processing Scientific Insights for the Public, Akademie Aktuell Heft 2/17, S. 25 - 30, together with Hauke Marquart.
Introduction: Staging and Law – Functions, Modes, and Interactions, in: Münkler/Stenzel (Eds.), Inszenierung von Recht, Weilerswist 2019, pp. 8 - 18, together with Julia Stenzel.
Listening Without being Obedient, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23.12.2021.
Preparing Our Democracy for the Future, Interview, DUZ 10/2022, pp. 24-26.
As a Commission Member: Statements of the Government Commission for a Modern and Needs-Based Hospital Care.
Regulations on the External Appearance of Public Officials: On the Tension between Office and Individual, will appear in JURA 2024 (23 manuscript pages).
Domestic deployment of the “Bundeswehr“ – Permissibility and Limits (Lecture on 06.11.2014 as part of the event "Weltpolitik zu Gast in Bayern: Der G7-Gipfel in Schloss Elmau" at the Academy for Political Education Tutzing).
Path Dependencies in the Legal System – Extra legal and Legal Factors (Lecture on 09.03.2016 at the 56th Assistant Conference Public Law in Mainz).
To what end studying Reception and Forgetting and what does it mean? (Lecture on 30.03.2017 at the Junior Researcher Conference "Apokryphe Schriften. Rezeption und Vergessen in der Wissenschaft vom Öffentlichen Rech" at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies)
“Expertocracy” – Between Rule by Virtue of Knowledge and Political Decisionism (Lecture on 22.06.2017 at the Symposium of the Hohbühl Foundation in Köditz near Hof).
Space as paradigm of internet regulation (Lecture on 04.09.2017 as part of the Workshop "Paradigms of Internet Regulation in the EU and China" at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
Independence as a Condition of Cognitive Neutrality? (Lecture on 07.09.2017 as part of the Workshop "Bedingungen der Unabhängigkeit - Annäherung an einen Topos des Organisationsrechts" at the Center for Advanced Studies of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich).
Staging Law as a Condition of Effectiveness. Why and how to stage law? (Lecture on 09.11.2017 as part of the Workshop "Inszenierung von Recht" at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences).
Responsibility Diffusion or Efficient Externalization of Ethical Discourse? (Lecture on 14.11.2017 at the Conference "Moral ohne Schuld" at the Evangelical Academy Tutzing)
Experts - A Love-Hate Relationship. Historical and Democratic-Theoretical Perspectives on Expertocracy (Lunch talk on 14.01.2018 at the Center for Advanced Studies at LMU).
Knowledge as a Blind Spot in Law (Lecture on 26.2.2018 as part of the Workshop “Wissen als Dimension des Rechts. Kognitive Grundlagen hoheitlicher Entscheidungen“ at the Center for Advanced Studies at LMU).
Political Decisionism or Rule by Virtue of Knowledge? (Lecture on 15.3.2018 in front of the Friends of the Academy).
Democracy in the Tension between Expertocratic and Populist Tendencies. Attempts at Legal Operationalization (Lecture on 27.1.2020 as part of the Conference “Demokratie und Wissen. Zwischen Expertokratie und Populismus“ at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences).
Cost-effectiveness as a Limit of Solidarity? Contingency and Irony of Cost-Benefit Evaluations as Allocation Criteria (Lecture on 15.9.2020 as part of the Conference "Solidarität im Gesundheitswesen. Strukturprinzip, Handlungsmaxime, Motor für Zusammenhalt? am Ineges der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt").
Regulation of Health Apps (Lecture on 20.04.2021 at the Institute for Law and Digitalization Trier).
Cohesion through Constitutional Patriotism? On the Effectiveness of New Concepts of Constitutional Patriotism (Lecture on 11.11.2021 at the Conference "Recht des Zusammenhalts" of the Research Institute for Social Cohesion at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main).
The Law Claims to Be Authoritarian - But Is It? On the Relationship between Democratic Law, Authority, and Authoritarianism (Lecture on 18.06.2022 at the Conference of the German Section of the International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy in Munich).
Comprehending Democracy Democratically (Lecture on 19.09.2022. at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences at the Conference of the interdisciplinary working group "Normative Konstituenzien der Demokratie").
Between Epistemization and Politicization. Possible Ways out of the Democratic Dilemma (Lecture on 29.09.2022. at the University of Mainz at the Joint Conference of the Section Political Theory and Intellectual History and the Working Group on Action and Decision Theory of the DVPW on Rationality and Democracy).