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Past Presentations

  • Summer 2024

Larissa Zierow

(HS Reutlingen)

Can Schools Change Religious Attitudes?

Evidence from German State Reforms of Compulsory Religious Education

Margherita Saraceno

(Universitá di Pavia)


How hard it is scoring a bullseye:

Public policies and compliance hesistancy in heterogeneous populations

J. Shahar Dillbary

(George Mason University,

Scalia Law School)

Reformulating Detection in the Economic Model of Crime:

Probability Scaling and Group Punishment

*Joint event with the Colloquium in Law and Economics*

Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt

Universität Münster)

German Energy Policies in the Energy Crisis:

Theory and Evidence on Firm and Household Responses

  • Winter 2023

Daniel Klerman

(University of Southern California)

Diversity Jurisdiction and Out-of-State Bias: An Experiment

Marco Botta

(European University Institute)

User Consent at the Interface of the DMA and the GDPR

Florencia Marotta-Wurgler

(New York University)

Machines that Think Like Lawyers: Issues, Methods, and Illustrations from Privacy Policies

Li Chen

(University of Gothenburg)

Strategic Responses to Personalized Pricing and Demand for Privacy: An Experiment

Paul Bose

(Bocconi, Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Trust in politicians and the provision of public goods: Evidence from Germany

Deni Mantzari

(University College London)

FRAND in the DMA: A pragmatic approach?

  • Summer 2023

Roee Sarel

(University of Hamburg)

Restraining ChatGPT

Leonie Gerhards

(King's College London)

Voters’ preference for politicians’ consistency:

Experimental evidence

Oliver Budzinski

(TU Ilmenau)

European Superleague vs. UEFA:

Monopoly or Competition in premier-level European Football?

Benjamin G. Engst

(Uni Konstanz)

Citizens' commitment to Judicial Independence:
A Discrete Choice Experiment in Nine European Countries


  • Winter 2022

Cristina Bellés-Obrero

(Uni Mannheim & Pompeu Fabra Barcelona)

The Effect of Removing Early Retirement on Mortality

Alexander Stremitzer

(ETH Zürich)

Having Your Day in Robot Court

*The talk is part of the CASTLE anniversary celebration of the Law & Economics study program*

Gedeon Lim

(University of Hong Kong)

Local Elites, Land Rents, Selection, and Incentives for Development: Evidence from Village Chiefs in Indonesia

Alice Guerra

(University of Bologna)

Does national identity of benefit recipients matter in tax compliance? An online experiment in Denmark and Italy

Sander Onderstal

(University of Amsterdam)

Predatory Pricing in the Presence of Network Effects: Evidence from the Lab


  • Summer 2022

Lisa Bruttel

(Uni Potsdam)

A comparison of the per-se approach and a judgment by effect in competition law

Friedrich Heinemann

(ZEW & Uni Heidelberg)

Europe's fiscal constitution and its pandemic transformation

Libor Dušek

(Karls-University Prague)

Law or Policy? The Role of Authority in Criminal Sentencing

Yotam Kaplan

(Bar-Ilan University)

The macroeconomic theory of contractual excuse doctrine (with Yehonatan Givati and Yair Listokin)

Kevin Cope

(University of Virginia)

An Expert-Sourced Measure of Judicial Ideology (with Charles Crabtree)


  • Winter 2021

Nicolas Petit

(European University Institute Florence)

Innovating Big Tech Firms and Competition Policy: Favoring Dynamic over Static Competition

Yassine Lefouili

(Toulouse School of Economics)

Mergers and Demand enhancing Innovation

Andreas Beerli

(ETH Zürich)

The right to be heard: a randomized controlled trial on economizing procedural justice


  • Summer 2021

Julian Nyarko

(Stanford Law School)

A Statistical Test for Legal Interpretation: Theory and Applications (joint with Sarath Sanga)

David Murphy

(Bank of England & LSE Law)

Some Perspectives on and Problematics of Regulatory Impact Analysis

Talia Gillis

(Columbia Law School)

The Input Fallacy (False Dreams of Algorithmic Fairness: The Case of Credit Pricing)

Kate Waldock

(Columbia Millstein Center)

Unearthing Zombies (with Nirupama Kulkarni, S. K. Ritadhi, and Siddharth Vij)

Zachary Liscow

(Yale Law School)

The Psychology of Taxing Capital Income: Evidence from a Survey Experiment on the Realization Rule

Tom Zimmermann

(Univ. of Cologne)

Limits of Disclosure Regulation in the Municipal Bond Market (with Ivan T. Ivanov & Nathan W. Heinrich)


  • Winter 2020

Gerd Mühlheusser

(University of Hamburg)

Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction

Achim Wambach

(ZEW Mannheim & Monopolkommisson)

Das XXIII. Hauptgutachten der Monopolkommission – Wettbewerb 2020

Katerina Linos

(UC Berkeley Law)

Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups

Sebastian Grund

(International Monetary Fund)

The Quest for a European Safe Asset

Andrew McLean

(University College London)

Competition Law in an Era of Financial Capitalism: The Case of Killer Acquisitions


  • Summer 2020

Steven Schwarcz

(Duke University School of Law)

Pandemics and Systemtic Financial Risk

Jo Braithwaite

(London School of Economics)

A successful decade for post-crisis regulatory reform of the OTC derivatives markets? The complex case of client clearing

Luke Froeb

(Vanderbilt Unversity)

Bargaining Competition and Vertical Mergers

Alex Rees-Jones

(Cornell University)

Reversing Reserves

Tim Friehe

(University of Marburg)

Punishment for Intentions or Outcomes: The Role of Gender and Social Norms


  • Winter 2019

Adam Badawi

(UC Berkeley Law)

How Informative Is the Text of Securities Complaints?

Elisabeth Noble

(European Banking Authority)

Stablecoins: Moving beyond the hype

Shitong Qiao

(University of Hong Kong)

Procedural Justice or Procedural Excuse? Strategic Adjudication of Eminent Domain Cases in High People’s Courts

Glen Weyl

(Microsoft Research)

Mechanism Design in the Spirit of George and Vickrey

Micro Workshop BGSE/ ECONtribute Law and Econ Workshop

Glen Weyl

(Microsoft Research)

RadicalxChange: Next Generation Political Economy

ECONtribute Special Talk/ Law and Econ Workshop

Juan-José Ganuza

(Pompeu Fabra University)

Statistical Discrimination and the Efficiency of Quotas

Menusch Khadjavi

(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel)

Do Scientists Tell the Truth? Evidence from a Field Experiment


  • Summer 2019

Wendy E. Wagner

(University of Texas at Austin)

Incomprehensible!: A Book Project on How Neglected Information Processing Costs can Create Problematic Comprehension Asymmetries in Legal Processes

Bryan McCannon

(West Virginia University)

Bargaining in the Shadow of the Trial?

Anthony Niblett

(University of Toronto)

Using Machine Learning to Predict Reasonable Notice Awards

Mike Livermore

(University of Virginia)

Opinion Publication and the Study of Judicial Politics in the U.S. Appellate Courts

Adi Leibovitch

(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Aspirational Rules


  • Winter 2018

Michael Klausner


Board Declassification and Form Value: Have Shareholders and Boards Really Destroyed Billions in Value?

Emeric Henry

(Sciences Po)

When in Rome... on judicial delegation

Miriam Buiten


Liability of Online Hosting Platforms: Should exceptionalism end?

Marco Ottaviani


Ex Ante Approval, Ex Post Withdrawal, and Liability

Yuval Feldman

(Bar- Ilan University)

Big Data and the Situational Regulation of Ordinary Unethicality


  • Summer 2018

Andreas Engert

(University of Mannheim)

Ask, don`t just take: Property rules are more efficient than liability rules under asymmetric information

Murat Mungan

(George Mason University)

The signal- tuning function of liability regimes

JJ Prescott

(University of Michigan)

Noncompetes and Employee Mobility

Mathias Siems

(Durham University)

Twenty Years of "Law and Finance": Time to Take Law Seriously


  • Winter 2017

Joshua Teitelbaum

(Georgetown Law)

Tort Law and Unawareness

Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt

(University of Cologne)

Salience and Antitrust: The Role of Brand Image Concerns

Miriam Müthel

(WHU- Otto Beisheim School of Management)

Intended and Unintended Consequences of Individual Liability in the Banking Industry

Sebastian Peyer

(UEA Norwic)

Compensation culture arguments and their use in the courts

Mikael Priks

(Stockholm University)

Imprisonment and Crime - Empirical Evidence using Exogenous Variation

Stefano Colonello

(IWH and Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)

Do Courts Matter for Firm Value? Evidence from the U.S. Court System

Elliott Ash

(University of Warwick)

Optimal Contract Design in the Field: Rigidity and Control in Collective Bargaining


  • Summer 2017

Francois Brochet

(Boston University)

Market Value of Anticipated Governance Changes

Jennifer Reinganum and Andrew Daughety

(Vanderbilt University)

Information Suppression by Teams and Violations of the Brady Rule (joint event with the Micro Theory Seminar)

Mathew McCubbins

(Duke University)

The Constitutional Foundations of the Interruption of Executive and Legislative Function

Henrik Lando

(Copenhagen Business School)

The Effect of Type-1 Error on Deterrence

Thomas Lambert

(Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)

Winning Connections? Lobbying and the Resolution of Failed Bank

Keren Weinshall

(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Equal in the Eyes of the Law? Pro-Plaintiff Cost Shifting in Civil Procedures


  • Winter 2016

Matteo Rizzolli

(LUMSA University Rome)

Being Bourgeois: The Emergence of Private Property in the Law

Adrian Künzler

(Society in Science Branco Weiss, Yale Law School)

Dilution Law, Vertical Agreements, and the Constructions of Consumption

Zacharias Sautner

(Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)

The Retention Effects of Unvested Equity: Evidence from Accelerated Option Vesting

Ansgar Wohlschlegel

(University of Portsmouth)

Bunching on the Autobahn: Speeding responses to a `notched' penalty scheme

Alexander Stremitzer

(UC Los Angeles)

Promises, Expectations, and Social Cooperation


  • Summer 2016

Jesse Fried


Cheap-Stock Tunneling Around Pre-emptive Rights

Justus Haucap

(HHU Düsseldorf)

Buyer Power and Competition in German Grocery Retailing

Philipp Hacker

(HU Berlin)

Overcoming the Knowledge Problem in Behavioral Law and Economics: Uncertainty, Decision Theory, and Maximin Analysis

Daniel Klerman

(USC Gould School of Law)

Settlement and Selection with Correlated Two-Sided Asymmetric Information

Roberta Romano


The Private Ordering Solution to Multiforum Shareholder

Franziska Weber

(Uni Hamburg)

The damages regime in European competition law – some (comparative) legal and economic considerations

Sven Hoeppner

(Uni Gent)

"The Moral Hazard Effect of Liquidated Damages: An Experiment on Contract Remedies"

Karl Riesenhuber

(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Ökonomische Argumente in der Rechtsfindung und in der Vertragsauslegung


  • Winter 2015

Lars Klöhn

(LMU München)

An Experimental Investigation of Judicial Decision-Making

Daniel Chen

(ETH Zürich)

Do Policies Affect Preferences? Evidence from Random Variation in Abortion Jurisprudenc

Christian Leuz

(University of Chicago)

Public Audit Oversight and Reporting Credibility: Evidence from the PCAOB Inspection Regime

Peter Cziraki

(University of Toronto)

Bank Payout Policy, Performance, and Insider Trading in the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009

Stefan Bechthold

(ETH Zürich)

The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment

Georg von Wangenheim

(Uni Kassel)

Failing to Protect the Tenant - How Restricting the Landlord's Right to Pass on Modernization Costs to Tenants Increases Rents

Eric Langlais

(University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre)

Public Law Enforcers and Political Competition


  • Summer 2015

James Konow

(Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Loyola Marymount University LA)

Can Economic Ethics Be Taught?

Stefan Voigt

The Economics of Emergency Constitutions

Gillian Hadfield

(University of Southern California)

Building Legal Order in Ancient Athens

Carsten Gerner-Beuerle


Law and Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case of Germany 1800-1913

Philipp Paech


The Value of Insolvency Safe Harbours

Gerd Mühlheußer

(Uni Hamburg)

Black Sheep or Scapegoats?Implementable Monitoring Policies under Unobservable Levels of Misbehavior


  • Winter 2014

Ben Vollaard

(Tilburg University)

Turning a bad example into a warning: A natural field experiment into salience of law enforcement

Daniel Markovits

(Yale Law School)

The Distributional Preferences of an Elite

Georg Ringe

(Copenhagen Business School)

Corporate Mobility in the EU - a Flash in the Pan? An Empirical Study on the Success of Lawmaking and Regulatory Competition

Francesco Parisi

(University of Minnesota, University of Bologna)

Unbundling Efficient Breach

Winand Emons

(University of Bern)

Why Plaintiffs' Attorneys Use Contingent and Defense Attorneys Fixed Fee Contracts

Abraham Wickelgren

(University of Texas)

A Novel Justification for Legal Restrictions on Non-Compete Clauses


  • Summer 2014

Cédric Argenton

(Tilburg University)

Optimal deterrence of illegal behavior under imperfect corporate governance

Gyöngyi Lóránth

(Vienna University)

Regulating Bank CEO Compensation with Active Boards

Peter Grajzl

(Washington & Lee University)

Inside post-socialist courts: The determinants of adjudicatory outcomes in Slovenian commercial disputes

Steeve Mongrain

(Simon Fraser University)

Crime, wealth, and protection: Theory and Canadian evidence

Jennifer Arlen


Does the Endowment Effect Justify Legal Intervention? The Debiasing Effect of Institutions

Dan Awrey

(Oxford University)

Hardwired Conflicts: The Big Bang Protocol, Libor and the Paradox of Private Ordering

Christian Traxler

(Hertie School)

Compliance Behavior in Networks: Evidence from a Field Experiment


  • Winter 2013

Yun-Chien Chang

(Academia Sinica)

Anchoring effect in real litigation: An empirical study

Oren Bar-Gill


Price Caps in Multi-Price Markets

Tobias Tröger

(Goethe University)

The Single Supervisory Mechanism - Panacea or Quack Banking Regulation?

Lars Hornuf

(LMU Munich)

Can Network Effects Impede Optimal Contracting in Debt Securities?

Rosa Ferrer

(UPF Barcelona)

Gender Gaps in Performance: Evidence from Young Lawyers

Botond Köszegi

(CEU Budapest)

Seller Information about Consumer Naiveté Lowers Welfare

Kathryn Spier

(Harvard University)

Trial and Settlement: A Study of High-Low Agreements


  • Summer 2013

Jeffrey J. Rachlinski

(Cornell University)

Arbitrary Adjudication: How Anchoring and Scaling Distort Awards and Sentences

Raúl López Pérez

(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

On Envious Damaging

Theodore Eisenberg

(Cornell University)

When Courts Determine Fees in a System With a Loser Pays Norm: Fee Award Denials to Winning Plaintiffs and Defendants

Avraham Tabbach

(Tel Aviv University)

More Manipulation Less Risk Taking?

Horst Eidenmüller

(LMU Munich)

Regulating Group Insolvencies

Yolande Hiriart

(Université de Franche-Comté)

Relative Performance of Liability Rules: Experimental Evidence

Holger Spamann

(Harvard University)

Normal Crime, Unusual Punishment: US Numbers in Global Perspective

Florian Baumann

(University of Düsseldorf)

Competitive Pressure and Corporate Crime

Lisa Bruttel

(University of Konstanz)

Is There an Exclusionary Effect of Retroactive Price Reduction Schemes?


  • Winter 2012

Katharina Pistor

(Columbia University)

On the Theoretical Foundations for Regulating Financial Markets

Loukas Balafoutas

(University of Innsbruck)

Security of Property as a Public Good: Experimental Choices and Survey Data in Five Countries

Christian Zehnder

(HEC Lausanne)

A Theory of Informal Justice

Eric van Damme

(Tilburg University)

Procuring Coinsurance Contracts for Large Risks

Daniel Chen

(ETH Zürich)

The Deterrent Effect of the Death Penalty? Evidence from British Commutations During World War I

Claude Fluet

(Université du Québec à Montréal)

The Role of Social Interactions in the Design of Legal Regimes

Uwe Sunde

(LMU Munich)

Violence During Democratization and the Quality of Democracy

Luigi Franzoni

(University of Bologna)

Optimal Liability Design under Risk and Ambiguity

Susanne Goldlücke

(University of Mannheim)

Do Agents Need Discretion? - The Business Judgment Rule as Optimal Standard of Care


  • Summer 2012

Henry Hansmann


Virtual Ownership and Managerial Distance: The Governance of Industrial Foundations

Sebastian Kranz

(University of Cologne)

Incentive Regulation for Transmission Network Operators

Ioannis Lianos

(University College London)

Market Dominance and Quality of Search Results in the Search Engine Market: Analysis of Exploitative and Exclusionary Abuses

Patrick Leyens

(University of Hamburg)

Corporate Governance: International Research, Market-Based Approaches and Regulatory Challenges

Eric Talley


Law, Economics, and the Burden(s) of Proof in Litigation

Alan Schwartz


Contracting About Private Benefits of Control


  • Winter 2011

Tomaso Duso

(University of Düsseldorf)

Competition Policy and Productivity Growth: An Empirical Assessment

Giulio Federico

(IESE Business School and Barcelona GSE)

Abusive Incentive Contracts: British Airways Revisited

Uwe Walz

(University of Frankfurt)

Going Public - Going Private - The Corporate Governance of VC-Backed Firms

Michael Waibel

(University of Cambridge)

Are Arbitrators Political?

Iwan Bos

(Maastricht University)

Explicit versus Tacit Collusion: A Theory of Cartel Formation

Jens-Uwe Franck and

(University of Munich)

Patrick Andreoli-Versbach

(IMPRS-CI and University of Munich)

Forensic Application of Economic Evidence: Detecting Tacit Coordinations in Oligopolistic Markets

Doron Teichman

(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Reference Points and Contractual Choices: An Empirical Examination


  • Summer 2011

Ram Singh

(Delhi School of Economics)

Procurement Contracts: Comparison of Incentive Structures and Outcomes

Jens Prüfer

(Tilburg University)

On the Evolution of Collective Enforcement Institutions II: Business Associations and Credit Bureaus

Olivier Marie

(Maastricht University)

Education and Crime: Individual Measures of the Causal Relationship

Lewis Kornhauser


An Experimental Study of Simple Voting

Mathias Siems

(University of East Anglia)

Cross-Citations between Supreme Courts in Europe

Christian Thöni

(University of St. Gallen)

Media Violence and Retaliatory Aggression


  • Winter 2010

Evgenia Motchenkova

(University of Amsterdam)

The Effects of Leniency Programs on Maximal Cartel Pricing

Matthias Lang

(University of Bonn)

Legal Uncertainty - an Effective Deterrence in Competition Law?

Paolo Buonanno

(University of Bergamo)

Advocatus, et non Latro? Testing the Supplier-Induced Demand Hypothesis for Italian Courts of Justice

Klaus Mathis

(University of Lucerne)

Consequentialism in Law

Nicola Gennaioli

(CREI, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Standardized Enforcement: Access to Justice vs Contractual Innovation

Juan-Jose Ganuza

(Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Minimizing Errors, Maximizing Incentives: Optimal Court Decisions and the Quality of Evidence

Liliane Karlinger

(University of Vienna)

Retail Competition and Upstream Market Power under Sequential Entry

Özgür Gürerk

(University of Erfurt)

Voting with Feet - Community Choice in Social Dilemmas


  • Summer 2010

Baptiste Massenot

(Toulouse School of Economics)

Contract Enforcement, Litigation and Economic Development

Carmine Guerriero

(University of Amsterdam)

Democracy, Judical Attitudes and Heterogeneity: The Civil vs. Common Law Tradition

Thomas Ulen

(University of Illinois)

Law´s Role in Economic Growth and Development

Ruby Henry

(Toulouse School of Economics)

Does racism affect a migrant´s choice of city?

Vigen Nikogosian

(ZEW, Mannheim)

On Vertical Integration, Regulation and Non-Price Discrimination in German Electricity Markets

John Armour

(University of Oxford)

Is Delaware Losing Its Cases?

Randi Hjalmarsson

(Queen Mary, University of London)

The Origins of Intergenerational Associations in Crime: Lessons from Swedish Adoption Data

Francesco Drago

(University of Naples)

Crime in Europe and in the US: Dissecting the "Reversal of Misfortunes"

Andreas Engert

(University of Cologne)

Where Do Firms Issue Debt? An Empirical Analysis of Issuer Location and Regulatory Competition in the European Corporate Debt Market


  • Winter 2009

Emanuela Carbonara

(University of Bologna)

Unjust Laws and Illegal Norms

Bernhard Ganglmair

(University of Zurich)

Innovation, Patent Hold-Up and Equilibrium Effects of RAND Commitments

Timo Goeschl

(University of Heidelberg)

Environmental Crime and Punishment: Empirical Evidence from the German Penal Code

Joel van der Weele

(European University Institute)

Procedures as Signals

Thomas Kittsteiner

(RWTH Aachen University)

Heterogeneity and Partnership Dissolution Mechanisms: Theory and Lab Evidence

Dennis Gärtner

(University of Zurich)

Making Sense of Non-Binding Retail-Price Recommendations

Daniel Cerquera


Recommended Retail Prices and Collusion in Pharma Markets: The Case of ED Drugs

Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci

(University of Amsterdam)

Luxury in Ancient Rome: Scope, Timing and Enforcement of Sumptuary Laws


  • Summer 2009

Scott Hemphill

(Columbia Law School)

An AggregateApproach to Antitrust: Using New Data and Rulemaking to Preserve Drug Competition

Philipp Weinschenk

(MPI Bonn)

A Problem of Liability - How Strict Liabilitiy can Lead to Distortions and Redistributions

Avraham Tabbach

(Tel Aviv University)

Reactive Versus Proactive Optimal Law Enforcement (Sequential versus Simultaneous Law Enforcement

Alexander Morell

(MPI Bonn)

Sticky Rebates: Rollback Rebates Induce Non-Rational Loyalty in Consumers - Experimantal Evidence

Geoffrey Miller


Attorney´s Fees and Expenses in Class Action Settlements: 1993 - 2008

Henrik Lando

(Copenhagen Business School)

A Rationale for the Limitation Period in Sales Law

Ben Vollaard

(Tilburg University)

The effect of Built-in security on burglary. Evidence from a natural experiment

Patrick Leyens

(Universität Hamburg)

Risikosensitivität als finanzmarktrechtliches Regelungsprinzip: Überlegungen zur Bankenkrise am Beispiel der Einlagensicherung

Rick Brooks

(Yale Law School)

Uncertain Breach of Contract and Efficient Preleminary Remedies


  • Winter 2008

Lars Feld

(University of Heidelberg)

Power over Prosecutors Corrupts Politicians: Cross Country Evidence Using a New Indicator

Florian Baumann

(University of Tübingen)

On the Superiority of Damage Averaging in the Case of Strict Liability

Roberto Galbiati

(University of Paris X and University Bocconi)

Can sanctions create skeptics? An experimental investigation

Uri Weiss

(Center for Rationality, Hebrew University Jerusalem)

The Robber Asks to Be Punished

Martin Halla

(University of Linz)

The Effect of Joint Custody on Marriage and Divorce

Dirk Zetzsche

(University of Duesseldorf)

Gedanken zur effizienten Durchsetzung kapitalmarktrechtlicher Vorschriften zur Anteilstransparenz

Nuno Garoupa

(University of Illinois and IMDEA, Madrid)

The economics of activity levels and negligence standards

Giesela Rühl

(Humboldt University)

Die Probleme internationaler Transaktionen: Das Internationale Privatrecht auf dem Prüfstand der ökonomischen Theorie

Baptiste Massenot

(Toulouse School of Economics)

Comparative Legal Systems in the Credit Market


  • Summer 2008

Giovanni Immordino

(University of Salerno)

Private Initiative and Judicial Error

Carsten Jungmann

(Bucerius Law School Hamburg)

Die Rechtfertigung der Business Judgment Rule und ihre Geltung außerhalb des Aktienrechts

Stephan Tontrup

(MPI Bonn)

Beyond the Outcome - An Economic Experiment on Procedural Fairness

Ed Morrison

(Columbia Law School)

Creditor Control and Conflict in Chapter 11 Reorganizations

Jennifer Reinganum and

Andrew Daughety

(Vanderbilt University)

Mass Torts and the Incentives for Suit, Settlement, and Trial

Surajeet Chakravarty

(University of Exeter)

Contracting in the Shadow of the Law

Rosa Ferrer

(Vanderbilt University)

The Effect of Lawyers' Career Concerns in Litigation

Tim Friehe

(University of Tübingen)

On the Sequencing of Remedies in Sales Law


  • Winter 2007

Martin Gelter

(Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)

The Subordination of Shareholder Loans in Bankruptcy

Ansgar Wohlschlegel

(University of Aachen)

All-unit Discounts and Competing Entrants

Alexander Stremitzer

(University of Bonn)

Standard Breach Remedies, Quality Thresholds and Cooperative Investments

Lars Klöhn

(University of Göttingen)

Interessenkonflikte zwischen Aktionären und Gläubigern der Aktiengesellschaft im Spiegel der Vorstandspflichten

Georg von Graevenitz

(LMU Munich)

Consumer Welfare and Competition Policy

Markus Rehberg

(LMU Munich)

Consumer Welfare and Competition Policy

Christoph Engel

(MPI Bonn)

Institutions for Intuitive Man


  • Summer 2007
Klaus Ulrich SchmolkeInstitutional Investors' Mandatory Voting Disclosure - European Plans and U.S. Experience
Alexander MorellPsychology of Decision Making in Antitrust Law? First Steps in the Doctrine of Art. 82 EG
Susanne OhlendorfExpectation Damages: Efficient Breach and Efficient Two-sided Reliance
Stephan TontrupThe Comparative Advantage of Self-Governance
Felix HöfflerInvestment incentives and (legal) unbundling in network industries
Christoph TholeInsolvenzrechtliche Fragestellungen und ökonomische Analyse

Tobias Tröger

(University of Tübingen)

An Agency Theory Approach to Partnership Law

Kristoffel Grechening

(University of St. Gallen)

No derivative shareholder suits in europe


  • Winter 2006
Alexander StremitzerOpportunistic Termination
Stefan BechtoldControlling Secondary Markets
Bernhard GanglmairCancellation of Multi-Period Installment Contracts and Yet Another Hold-Up Problem: A "Legal" Solution