Past Presentations
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Daniel Klerman (University of Southern California) | Diversity Jurisdiction and Out-of-State Bias: An Experiment | |
Marco Botta (European University Institute) | User Consent at the Interface of the DMA and the GDPR | |
Florencia Marotta-Wurgler (New York University) | Machines that Think Like Lawyers: Issues, Methods, and Illustrations from Privacy Policies | |
Li Chen (University of Gothenburg) | Strategic Responses to Personalized Pricing and Demand for Privacy: An Experiment | |
Paul Bose (Bocconi, Erasmus University Rotterdam) | Trust in politicians and the provision of public goods: Evidence from Germany | |
Deni Mantzari (University College London) | FRAND in the DMA: A pragmatic approach? | |
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Roee Sarel (University of Hamburg) | ||
Leonie Gerhards (King's College London) | Voters’ preference for politicians’ consistency: Experimental evidence | |
Oliver Budzinski (TU Ilmenau) | European Superleague vs. UEFA: Monopoly or Competition in premier-level European Football? | |
Benjamin G. Engst (Uni Konstanz) | Citizens' commitment to Judicial Independence: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Nine European Countries | |
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Cristina Bellés-Obrero (Uni Mannheim & Pompeu Fabra Barcelona) | The Effect of Removing Early Retirement on Mortality | |
Alexander Stremitzer (ETH Zürich) | Having Your Day in Robot Court *The talk is part of the CASTLE anniversary celebration of the Law & Economics study program* | |
Gedeon Lim (University of Hong Kong) | Local Elites, Land Rents, Selection, and Incentives for Development: Evidence from Village Chiefs in Indonesia | |
Alice Guerra (University of Bologna) | Does national identity of benefit recipients matter in tax compliance? An online experiment in Denmark and Italy | |
Sander Onderstal (University of Amsterdam) | Predatory Pricing in the Presence of Network Effects: Evidence from the Lab | |
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Lisa Bruttel (Uni Potsdam) | A comparison of the per-se approach and a judgment by effect in competition law | |
Friedrich Heinemann (ZEW & Uni Heidelberg) | Europe's fiscal constitution and its pandemic transformation | |
Libor Dušek (Karls-University Prague) | Law or Policy? The Role of Authority in Criminal Sentencing | |
Yotam Kaplan (Bar-Ilan University) | The macroeconomic theory of contractual excuse doctrine (with Yehonatan Givati and Yair Listokin) | |
Kevin Cope (University of Virginia) | An Expert-Sourced Measure of Judicial Ideology (with Charles Crabtree) | |
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Nicolas Petit (European University Institute Florence) | Innovating Big Tech Firms and Competition Policy: Favoring Dynamic over Static Competition | |
Yassine Lefouili (Toulouse School of Economics) | Mergers and Demand enhancing Innovation | |
Andreas Beerli (ETH Zürich) | The right to be heard: a randomized controlled trial on economizing procedural justice | |
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Julian Nyarko (Stanford Law School) | A Statistical Test for Legal Interpretation: Theory and Applications (joint with Sarath Sanga) | |
David Murphy (Bank of England & LSE Law) | Some Perspectives on and Problematics of Regulatory Impact Analysis | |
Talia Gillis (Columbia Law School) | The Input Fallacy (False Dreams of Algorithmic Fairness: The Case of Credit Pricing) | |
Kate Waldock (Columbia Millstein Center) | Unearthing Zombies (with Nirupama Kulkarni, S. K. Ritadhi, and Siddharth Vij) | |
Zachary Liscow (Yale Law School) | The Psychology of Taxing Capital Income: Evidence from a Survey Experiment on the Realization Rule | |
Tom Zimmermann (Univ. of Cologne) | Limits of Disclosure Regulation in the Municipal Bond Market (with Ivan T. Ivanov & Nathan W. Heinrich) | |
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Gerd Mühlheusser (University of Hamburg) | Smart Products: Liability, Investments in Product Safety, and the Timing of Market Introduction | |
Achim Wambach (ZEW Mannheim & Monopolkommisson) | Das XXIII. Hauptgutachten der Monopolkommission – Wettbewerb 2020 | |
Katerina Linos (UC Berkeley Law) | Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups | |
Sebastian Grund (International Monetary Fund) | The Quest for a European Safe Asset | |
Andrew McLean (University College London) | Competition Law in an Era of Financial Capitalism: The Case of Killer Acquisitions | |
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Steven Schwarcz (Duke University School of Law) | Pandemics and Systemtic Financial Risk | |
Jo Braithwaite (London School of Economics) | A successful decade for post-crisis regulatory reform of the OTC derivatives markets? The complex case of client clearing | |
Luke Froeb (Vanderbilt Unversity) | Bargaining Competition and Vertical Mergers | |
Alex Rees-Jones (Cornell University) | Reversing Reserves | |
Tim Friehe (University of Marburg) | Punishment for Intentions or Outcomes: The Role of Gender and Social Norms | |
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Adam Badawi (UC Berkeley Law) | How Informative Is the Text of Securities Complaints? | |
Elisabeth Noble (European Banking Authority) | Stablecoins: Moving beyond the hype | |
Shitong Qiao (University of Hong Kong) | Procedural Justice or Procedural Excuse? Strategic Adjudication of Eminent Domain Cases in High People’s Courts | |
Glen Weyl (Microsoft Research) | Mechanism Design in the Spirit of George and Vickrey Micro Workshop BGSE/ ECONtribute Law and Econ Workshop | |
Glen Weyl (Microsoft Research) | RadicalxChange: Next Generation Political Economy ECONtribute Special Talk/ Law and Econ Workshop | |
Juan-José Ganuza (Pompeu Fabra University) | Statistical Discrimination and the Efficiency of Quotas | |
Menusch Khadjavi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel) | Do Scientists Tell the Truth? Evidence from a Field Experiment | |
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Wendy E. Wagner (University of Texas at Austin) | Incomprehensible!: A Book Project on How Neglected Information Processing Costs can Create Problematic Comprehension Asymmetries in Legal Processes | |
Bryan McCannon (West Virginia University) | Bargaining in the Shadow of the Trial? | |
Anthony Niblett (University of Toronto) | Using Machine Learning to Predict Reasonable Notice Awards | |
Mike Livermore (University of Virginia) | Opinion Publication and the Study of Judicial Politics in the U.S. Appellate Courts | |
Adi Leibovitch (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) | Aspirational Rules | |
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Michael Klausner (Stanford) | Board Declassification and Form Value: Have Shareholders and Boards Really Destroyed Billions in Value? | |
Emeric Henry (Sciences Po) | When in Rome... on judicial delegation | |
Miriam Buiten (Mannheim) | Liability of Online Hosting Platforms: Should exceptionalism end? | |
Marco Ottaviani (Bocconi) | Ex Ante Approval, Ex Post Withdrawal, and Liability | |
Yuval Feldman (Bar- Ilan University) | Big Data and the Situational Regulation of Ordinary Unethicality | |
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Andreas Engert (University of Mannheim) | Ask, don`t just take: Property rules are more efficient than liability rules under asymmetric information | |
Murat Mungan (George Mason University) | The signal- tuning function of liability regimes | |
JJ Prescott (University of Michigan) | Noncompetes and Employee Mobility | |
Mathias Siems (Durham University) | Twenty Years of "Law and Finance": Time to Take Law Seriously | |
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Joshua Teitelbaum (Georgetown Law) | Tort Law and Unawareness | |
Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt (University of Cologne) | Salience and Antitrust: The Role of Brand Image Concerns | |
Miriam Müthel (WHU- Otto Beisheim School of Management) | Intended and Unintended Consequences of Individual Liability in the Banking Industry | |
Sebastian Peyer (UEA Norwic) | Compensation culture arguments and their use in the courts | |
Mikael Priks (Stockholm University) | Imprisonment and Crime - Empirical Evidence using Exogenous Variation | |
Stefano Colonello (IWH and Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg) | Do Courts Matter for Firm Value? Evidence from the U.S. Court System | |
Elliott Ash (University of Warwick) | Optimal Contract Design in the Field: Rigidity and Control in Collective Bargaining | |
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Francois Brochet (Boston University) | Market Value of Anticipated Governance Changes | |
Jennifer Reinganum and Andrew Daughety (Vanderbilt University) | Information Suppression by Teams and Violations of the Brady Rule (joint event with the Micro Theory Seminar) | |
Mathew McCubbins (Duke University) | The Constitutional Foundations of the Interruption of Executive and Legislative Function | |
Henrik Lando (Copenhagen Business School) | The Effect of Type-1 Error on Deterrence | |
Thomas Lambert (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) | Winning Connections? Lobbying and the Resolution of Failed Bank | |
Keren Weinshall (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) | Equal in the Eyes of the Law? Pro-Plaintiff Cost Shifting in Civil Procedures | |
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Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA University Rome) | Being Bourgeois: The Emergence of Private Property in the Law | |
Adrian Künzler (Society in Science Branco Weiss, Yale Law School) | Dilution Law, Vertical Agreements, and the Constructions of Consumption | |
Zacharias Sautner (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) | The Retention Effects of Unvested Equity: Evidence from Accelerated Option Vesting | |
Ansgar Wohlschlegel (University of Portsmouth) | Bunching on the Autobahn: Speeding responses to a `notched' penalty scheme | |
Alexander Stremitzer (UC Los Angeles) | Promises, Expectations, and Social Cooperation | |
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Jesse Fried (Harvard) | Cheap-Stock Tunneling Around Pre-emptive Rights | |
Justus Haucap (HHU Düsseldorf) | Buyer Power and Competition in German Grocery Retailing | |
Philipp Hacker (HU Berlin) | Overcoming the Knowledge Problem in Behavioral Law and Economics: Uncertainty, Decision Theory, and Maximin Analysis | |
Daniel Klerman (USC Gould School of Law) | Settlement and Selection with Correlated Two-Sided Asymmetric Information | |
Roberta Romano (Yale) | The Private Ordering Solution to Multiforum Shareholder | |
Franziska Weber (Uni Hamburg) | The damages regime in European competition law some (comparative) legal and economic considerations | |
Sven Hoeppner (Uni Gent) | "The Moral Hazard Effect of Liquidated Damages: An Experiment on Contract Remedies" | |
Karl Riesenhuber (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) | Ökonomische Argumente in der Rechtsfindung und in der Vertragsauslegung | |
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Lars Klöhn (LMU München) | An Experimental Investigation of Judicial Decision-Making | |
Daniel Chen (ETH Zürich) | Do Policies Affect Preferences? Evidence from Random Variation in Abortion Jurisprudenc | |
Christian Leuz (University of Chicago) | Public Audit Oversight and Reporting Credibility: Evidence from the PCAOB Inspection Regime | |
Peter Cziraki (University of Toronto) | Bank Payout Policy, Performance, and Insider Trading in the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 | |
Stefan Bechthold (ETH Zürich) | The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment | |
Georg von Wangenheim (Uni Kassel) | Failing to Protect the Tenant - How Restricting the Landlord's Right to Pass on Modernization Costs to Tenants Increases Rents | |
Eric Langlais (University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre) | Public Law Enforcers and Political Competition | |
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James Konow (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Loyola Marymount University LA) | Can Economic Ethics Be Taught? | |
Stefan Voigt | The Economics of Emergency Constitutions | |
Gillian Hadfield (University of Southern California) | Building Legal Order in Ancient Athens | |
Carsten Gerner-Beuerle (LSE) | Law and Finance in Emerging Economies: The Case of Germany 1800-1913 | |
Philipp Paech (LSE) | The Value of Insolvency Safe Harbours | |
Gerd Mühlheußer (Uni Hamburg) | Black Sheep or Scapegoats?Implementable Monitoring Policies under Unobservable Levels of Misbehavior | |
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Ben Vollaard (Tilburg University) | Turning a bad example into a warning: A natural field experiment into salience of law enforcement | |
Daniel Markovits (Yale Law School) | The Distributional Preferences of an Elite | |
Georg Ringe (Copenhagen Business School) | Corporate Mobility in the EU - a Flash in the Pan? An Empirical Study on the Success of Lawmaking and Regulatory Competition | |
Francesco Parisi (University of Minnesota, University of Bologna) | Unbundling Efficient Breach | |
Winand Emons (University of Bern) | Why Plaintiffs' Attorneys Use Contingent and Defense Attorneys Fixed Fee Contracts | |
Abraham Wickelgren (University of Texas) | A Novel Justification for Legal Restrictions on Non-Compete Clauses | |
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Cédric Argenton (Tilburg University) | Optimal deterrence of illegal behavior under imperfect corporate governance | |
Gyöngyi Lóránth (Vienna University) | Regulating Bank CEO Compensation with Active Boards | |
Peter Grajzl (Washington & Lee University) | Inside post-socialist courts: The determinants of adjudicatory outcomes in Slovenian commercial disputes | |
Steeve Mongrain (Simon Fraser University) | Crime, wealth, and protection: Theory and Canadian evidence | |
Jennifer Arlen (NYU) | Does the Endowment Effect Justify Legal Intervention? The Debiasing Effect of Institutions | |
Dan Awrey (Oxford University) | Hardwired Conflicts: The Big Bang Protocol, Libor and the Paradox of Private Ordering | |
Christian Traxler (Hertie School) | Compliance Behavior in Networks: Evidence from a Field Experiment | |
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Yun-Chien Chang (Academia Sinica) | Anchoring effect in real litigation: An empirical study | |
Oren Bar-Gill (NYU) | Price Caps in Multi-Price Markets | |
Tobias Tröger (Goethe University) | The Single Supervisory Mechanism - Panacea or Quack Banking Regulation? | |
Lars Hornuf (LMU Munich) | Can Network Effects Impede Optimal Contracting in Debt Securities? | |
Rosa Ferrer (UPF Barcelona) | Gender Gaps in Performance: Evidence from Young Lawyers | |
Botond Köszegi (CEU Budapest) | Seller Information about Consumer Naiveté Lowers Welfare | |
Kathryn Spier (Harvard University) | Trial and Settlement: A Study of High-Low Agreements | |
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Jeffrey J. Rachlinski (Cornell University) | Arbitrary Adjudication: How Anchoring and Scaling Distort Awards and Sentences | |
Raúl López Pérez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) | On Envious Damaging | |
Theodore Eisenberg (Cornell University) | When Courts Determine Fees in a System With a Loser Pays Norm: Fee Award Denials to Winning Plaintiffs and Defendants | |
Avraham Tabbach (Tel Aviv University) | More Manipulation Less Risk Taking? | |
Horst Eidenmüller (LMU Munich) | Regulating Group Insolvencies | |
Yolande Hiriart (Université de Franche-Comté) | Relative Performance of Liability Rules: Experimental Evidence | |
Holger Spamann (Harvard University) | Normal Crime, Unusual Punishment: US Numbers in Global Perspective | |
Florian Baumann (University of Düsseldorf) | Competitive Pressure and Corporate Crime | |
Lisa Bruttel (University of Konstanz) | Is There an Exclusionary Effect of Retroactive Price Reduction Schemes? | |
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Katharina Pistor (Columbia University) | On the Theoretical Foundations for Regulating Financial Markets | |
Loukas Balafoutas (University of Innsbruck) | Security of Property as a Public Good: Experimental Choices and Survey Data in Five Countries | |
Christian Zehnder (HEC Lausanne) | A Theory of Informal Justice | |
Eric van Damme (Tilburg University) | Procuring Coinsurance Contracts for Large Risks | |
Daniel Chen (ETH Zürich) | The Deterrent Effect of the Death Penalty? Evidence from British Commutations During World War I | |
Claude Fluet (Université du Québec à Montréal) | The Role of Social Interactions in the Design of Legal Regimes | |
Uwe Sunde (LMU Munich) | Violence During Democratization and the Quality of Democracy | |
Luigi Franzoni (University of Bologna) | Optimal Liability Design under Risk and Ambiguity | |
Susanne Goldlücke (University of Mannheim) | Do Agents Need Discretion? - The Business Judgment Rule as Optimal Standard of Care | |
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Henry Hansmann (Yale) | Virtual Ownership and Managerial Distance: The Governance of Industrial Foundations | |
Sebastian Kranz (University of Cologne) | Incentive Regulation for Transmission Network Operators | |
Ioannis Lianos (University College London) | Market Dominance and Quality of Search Results in the Search Engine Market: Analysis of Exploitative and Exclusionary Abuses | |
Patrick Leyens (University of Hamburg) | Corporate Governance: International Research, Market-Based Approaches and Regulatory Challenges | |
Eric Talley (Berkeley) | Law, Economics, and the Burden(s) of Proof in Litigation | |
Alan Schwartz (Yale) | Contracting About Private Benefits of Control | |
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Tomaso Duso (University of Düsseldorf) | Competition Policy and Productivity Growth: An Empirical Assessment | |
Giulio Federico (IESE Business School and Barcelona GSE) | Abusive Incentive Contracts: British Airways Revisited | |
Uwe Walz (University of Frankfurt) | Going Public - Going Private - The Corporate Governance of VC-Backed Firms | |
Michael Waibel (University of Cambridge) | Are Arbitrators Political? | |
Iwan Bos (Maastricht University) | Explicit versus Tacit Collusion: A Theory of Cartel Formation | |
Jens-Uwe Franck and (University of Munich) Patrick Andreoli-Versbach (IMPRS-CI and University of Munich) | Forensic Application of Economic Evidence: Detecting Tacit Coordinations in Oligopolistic Markets | |
Doron Teichman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) | Reference Points and Contractual Choices: An Empirical Examination | |
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Ram Singh (Delhi School of Economics) | Procurement Contracts: Comparison of Incentive Structures and Outcomes | |
Jens Prüfer (Tilburg University) | On the Evolution of Collective Enforcement Institutions II: Business Associations and Credit Bureaus | |
Olivier Marie (Maastricht University) | Education and Crime: Individual Measures of the Causal Relationship | |
Lewis Kornhauser (NYU) | An Experimental Study of Simple Voting | |
Mathias Siems (University of East Anglia) | Cross-Citations between Supreme Courts in Europe | |
Christian Thöni (University of St. Gallen) | Media Violence and Retaliatory Aggression | |
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Evgenia Motchenkova (University of Amsterdam) | The Effects of Leniency Programs on Maximal Cartel Pricing | |
Matthias Lang (University of Bonn) | Legal Uncertainty - an Effective Deterrence in Competition Law? | |
Paolo Buonanno (University of Bergamo) | Advocatus, et non Latro? Testing the Supplier-Induced Demand Hypothesis for Italian Courts of Justice | |
Klaus Mathis (University of Lucerne) | Consequentialism in Law | |
Nicola Gennaioli (CREI, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) | Standardized Enforcement: Access to Justice vs Contractual Innovation | |
Juan-Jose Ganuza (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) | Minimizing Errors, Maximizing Incentives: Optimal Court Decisions and the Quality of Evidence | |
Liliane Karlinger (University of Vienna) | Retail Competition and Upstream Market Power under Sequential Entry | |
Özgür Gürerk (University of Erfurt) | Voting with Feet - Community Choice in Social Dilemmas | |
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Baptiste Massenot (Toulouse School of Economics) | Contract Enforcement, Litigation and Economic Development | |
Carmine Guerriero (University of Amsterdam) | Democracy, Judical Attitudes and Heterogeneity: The Civil vs. Common Law Tradition | |
Thomas Ulen (University of Illinois) | Law´s Role in Economic Growth and Development | |
Ruby Henry (Toulouse School of Economics) | Does racism affect a migrant´s choice of city? | |
Vigen Nikogosian (ZEW, Mannheim) | On Vertical Integration, Regulation and Non-Price Discrimination in German Electricity Markets | |
John Armour (University of Oxford) | Is Delaware Losing Its Cases? | |
Randi Hjalmarsson (Queen Mary, University of London) | The Origins of Intergenerational Associations in Crime: Lessons from Swedish Adoption Data | |
Francesco Drago (University of Naples) | Crime in Europe and in the US: Dissecting the "Reversal of Misfortunes" | |
Andreas Engert (University of Cologne) | Where Do Firms Issue Debt? An Empirical Analysis of Issuer Location and Regulatory Competition in the European Corporate Debt Market | |
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Emanuela Carbonara (University of Bologna) | Unjust Laws and Illegal Norms | |
Bernhard Ganglmair (University of Zurich) | Innovation, Patent Hold-Up and Equilibrium Effects of RAND Commitments | |
Timo Goeschl (University of Heidelberg) | Environmental Crime and Punishment: Empirical Evidence from the German Penal Code | |
Joel van der Weele (European University Institute) | Procedures as Signals | |
Thomas Kittsteiner (RWTH Aachen University) | Heterogeneity and Partnership Dissolution Mechanisms: Theory and Lab Evidence | |
Dennis Gärtner (University of Zurich) | Making Sense of Non-Binding Retail-Price Recommendations | |
Daniel Cerquera (ZEW) | Recommended Retail Prices and Collusion in Pharma Markets: The Case of ED Drugs | |
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci (University of Amsterdam) | Luxury in Ancient Rome: Scope, Timing and Enforcement of Sumptuary Laws | |
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Scott Hemphill (Columbia Law School) | An AggregateApproach to Antitrust: Using New Data and Rulemaking to Preserve Drug Competition | |
Philipp Weinschenk (MPI Bonn) | A Problem of Liability - How Strict Liabilitiy can Lead to Distortions and Redistributions | |
Avraham Tabbach (Tel Aviv University) | Reactive Versus Proactive Optimal Law Enforcement (Sequential versus Simultaneous Law Enforcement | |
Alexander Morell (MPI Bonn) | Sticky Rebates: Rollback Rebates Induce Non-Rational Loyalty in Consumers - Experimantal Evidence | |
Geoffrey Miller (NYU) | Attorney´s Fees and Expenses in Class Action Settlements: 1993 - 2008 | |
Henrik Lando (Copenhagen Business School) | A Rationale for the Limitation Period in Sales Law | |
Ben Vollaard (Tilburg University) | The effect of Built-in security on burglary. Evidence from a natural experiment | |
Patrick Leyens (Universität Hamburg) | Risikosensitivität als finanzmarktrechtliches Regelungsprinzip: Überlegungen zur Bankenkrise am Beispiel der Einlagensicherung | |
Rick Brooks (Yale Law School) | Uncertain Breach of Contract and Efficient Preleminary Remedies | |
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Lars Feld (University of Heidelberg) | Power over Prosecutors Corrupts Politicians: Cross Country Evidence Using a New Indicator | |
Florian Baumann (University of Tübingen) | On the Superiority of Damage Averaging in the Case of Strict Liability | |
Roberto Galbiati (University of Paris X and University Bocconi) | Can sanctions create skeptics? An experimental investigation | |
Uri Weiss (Center for Rationality, Hebrew University Jerusalem) | The Robber Asks to Be Punished | |
Martin Halla (University of Linz) | The Effect of Joint Custody on Marriage and Divorce | |
Dirk Zetzsche (University of Duesseldorf) | Gedanken zur effizienten Durchsetzung kapitalmarktrechtlicher Vorschriften zur Anteilstransparenz | |
Nuno Garoupa (University of Illinois and IMDEA, Madrid) | The economics of activity levels and negligence standards | |
Giesela Rühl (Humboldt University) | Die Probleme internationaler Transaktionen: Das Internationale Privatrecht auf dem Prüfstand der ökonomischen Theorie | |
Baptiste Massenot (Toulouse School of Economics) | Comparative Legal Systems in the Credit Market | |
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Giovanni Immordino (University of Salerno) | Private Initiative and Judicial Error | |
Carsten Jungmann (Bucerius Law School Hamburg) | Die Rechtfertigung der Business Judgment Rule und ihre Geltung außerhalb des Aktienrechts | |
Stephan Tontrup (MPI Bonn) | Beyond the Outcome - An Economic Experiment on Procedural Fairness | |
Ed Morrison (Columbia Law School) | Creditor Control and Conflict in Chapter 11 Reorganizations | |
Jennifer Reinganum and Andrew Daughety (Vanderbilt University) | Mass Torts and the Incentives for Suit, Settlement, and Trial | |
Surajeet Chakravarty (University of Exeter) | Contracting in the Shadow of the Law | |
Rosa Ferrer (Vanderbilt University) | The Effect of Lawyers' Career Concerns in Litigation | |
Tim Friehe (University of Tübingen) | On the Sequencing of Remedies in Sales Law | |
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Martin Gelter (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration) | The Subordination of Shareholder Loans in Bankruptcy | |
Ansgar Wohlschlegel (University of Aachen) | All-unit Discounts and Competing Entrants | |
Alexander Stremitzer (University of Bonn) | Standard Breach Remedies, Quality Thresholds and Cooperative Investments | |
Lars Klöhn (University of Göttingen) | Interessenkonflikte zwischen Aktionären und Gläubigern der Aktiengesellschaft im Spiegel der Vorstandspflichten | |
Georg von Graevenitz (LMU Munich) | Consumer Welfare and Competition Policy | |
Markus Rehberg (LMU Munich) | Consumer Welfare and Competition Policy | |
Christoph Engel (MPI Bonn) | Institutions for Intuitive Man | |
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Klaus Ulrich Schmolke | Institutional Investors' Mandatory Voting Disclosure - European Plans and U.S. Experience | |
Alexander Morell | Psychology of Decision Making in Antitrust Law? First Steps in the Doctrine of Art. 82 EG | |
Susanne Ohlendorf | Expectation Damages: Efficient Breach and Efficient Two-sided Reliance | |
Stephan Tontrup | The Comparative Advantage of Self-Governance | |
Felix Höffler | Investment incentives and (legal) unbundling in network industries | |
Christoph Thole | Insolvenzrechtliche Fragestellungen und ökonomische Analyse | |
Tobias Tröger (University of Tübingen) | An Agency Theory Approach to Partnership Law | |
Kristoffel Grechening (University of St. Gallen) | No derivative shareholder suits in europe | |
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Alexander Stremitzer | Opportunistic Termination | |
Stefan Bechtold | Controlling Secondary Markets | |
Bernhard Ganglmair | Cancellation of Multi-Period Installment Contracts and Yet Another Hold-Up Problem: A "Legal" Solution |