- Member of the standing committee organ transplant and board of examination and monitoring committee of the german medical association
- Member of the ethics commission of the faculty of medicine of the university of Bonn
- Member of the ethics commission of the institute of psychology of the university of Bonn
- External member of the ethics commission of the Agaplesion Markus hospital, Frankfurt/Main
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the criminological research institute Niedersachsen
- Member of the working group alternative-concept
- Co-publisher of the publication series „Kriminalwissenschaftliche Schriften“ (together with Prof. Dr. Heinz Schöch, Prof. Dr. Bernd-Dieter Meier and Prof. Dr. Dieter Dölling)
- Chairman of the association of "friends and supporters of the center for paediatrics of the University Hospital Bonn"
- BAföG-representative of the faculty
- Financial officer of the faculty
- Chairman of the QVM (quality-improvement)-commission of the faculty