Kevin Franzke
- Research assistant
- Tel. 0228 / 73-62166
Curriculum vitae
- Born 1991 in Euskirchen
- 2011 high school graduation from Gymnasium Marienschule in Euskirchen
- Wintersemester 2011/12 until summersemester 2016 law studies at the University of Bonn
- 07/2012 until 04/2016 student assistant at the institute for german and rhenish legal history
- First state exam 05.04.2016 (OLG Cologne)
- Since 06/2016 Research assistant at the chair
- Wintersemester 2016/17: Promseminar "Current issues of special criminal law and law of criminal procedure"
- Summersemester 2017: Proseminar "Young and old people in (criminal) law"
- Wintersemester 2017/18: Proseminar "Current and forthcoming reforms in criminal law"
- Wintersemester 2017/18: Proseminar "Criminological, criminal and constitutional issues of sexual criminal law"
- Wintersemester 2018/2019: Proseminar "Basics of juvenile criminal law"
- Final exam of the lecture "Grundzüge des Erbrechts", BRJ 2014, 176-178
- The "warning shot detention" according to § 16a JGG - First practical experience, BRJ 2015, 118-126
- Book review of Anika Kleinbrahm: Divergent diversion in juvenile criminal law, BRJ 2016, 61
- Book review of Garonne Bezjak: Basics and problems of the offence of sexual abuse of children according to § 176 StGB, BRJ 2017, 100
- The "privileged consummate offender"? - A contribution to the harmonisation of case law for "attempted rule examples", NStZ 2018, 566-572
- Book review on Eric Hilgendorf (Ed.): Autonomous systems and new mobility, BRJ 2018, 154-155