JProf. Dr. Svenja Hippel
Office: Juridicum, Westtower (1. OG), Room 1.007
Phone: (+49) 228 73 5892
E-Mail: shippel(at)
Office hours: After appointment by e-mail
You can find a tabular resume here: CV
JProf. Dr. Svenja Hippel studied the interdisciplinary bachelor program "Philosophy & Economics" at the University of Bayreuth from 2007 to 2012. This was followed by a Master's degree in "Economics" at the University of Bonn from 2012 to 2014. During her Ph.D. at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods and the University of Jena, she was a member of the International Max Planck Research School "IMPRS Uncertainty". During this time, she spent several months as a visiting researcher at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Her dissertation, which she completed in 2018, lies in the area of behavioral and experimental economics and identifies institutional solutions to social dilemma situations. Prior to her appointment as Assistant Professor of Law and Economics, she was a postdoctoral researcher (Akademische Rätin a.Z.) at the Chair of Contract Theory and Information Economics at the University of Würzburg. She is an associate member of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute and the transdisciplinary research area TRA 4 (Individuals, Institutions and Societies).
Current projects can be found here: Working Paper
Chatziathanasiou, K., Hippel, S. and Kurschilgen, M. (2022). Does the Threat of Overthrow Discipline the Elites? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment. Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 51 (June 2022). pdf
Media coverage: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 167 (22.07.2019): Ökonomie der Verfassung
Friehe, T., Hippel, S., and Schielke, A. (2021). Appeasing Yourself or Others? On the Use of Self-punishment and Compensation and How it Influences Punishment. Journal of Economic Psychology, 84 (2021) 102379. pdf
Hippel, S., and Hoeppner, S. (2021). Contracts as Reference Points: A Replication. International Review of Law and Economics, 65 (2021) 105973. pdf
Chatziathanasiou, K., Hippel, S., and Kurschilgen, M. (2020). Property, Redistribution, and the Status Quo: A Laboratory Study. Experimental Economics, 24 (2021) 919–951. pdf
Hippel, S., and Hoeppner, S. (2019). Biased Judgements of Fairness in Bargaining: A Replication in the Laboratory. International Review of Law and Economics, 58 (2019): 63-74. pdf
A complete overview can be found here: Past Teaching
Current teaching at the department:
- Rechtsökonomie - Grundlagen (summer semester)
- Rechtsökonomie - Institutionen (winter semester)
- Verbraucherschutz und Ökonomie (summer semester)
- Supervision of bachelor theses (every semester)