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Colloquium in Law and Economics

The Colloquium in Law and Economics takes place since 2006. Scholars and young academics from the Law and the Economic Department of the University of Bonn as well as the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods discuss various questions from the field of Law and Economics, such as an economic analysis of distinct legal norms.

Time: Thursday, 12.15 pm

Venue: Juridicum, Room 1.016 (Seminarroom of the Institute for Commercial and Business Law, Westtower, 1.OG)

Anouncements: In case you are not yet on the mailing list, please write an email to  shippel(at)uni-bonn.de.

Summer Term 2024

Date SpeakerTitle

Wolfgang Kerber

(Philipps Universität Marburg)

Property rights theory, bundles of rights on IoT data, and the EU Data Act


Johannes Kruse

(Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Gemeinschaftsgütern)

Juristisches vs. Ökonomisches Denken


*postponed to WS*

Sven Schubert

(Institut für deutsches und internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht)

Der unfreiwillige Insolvenzgläubiger


*Monday, 11.00 am*

J. Shahar Dillbary

(George Mason University, Scalia Law School)

Reformulating Detection in the Economic Model of Crime: Probability Scaling and Group Punishment

*Joint event with the ECONtribute LawEcon Workshop*