Dr. Alexia Pato

Dr Alexia Pato worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of German and International Civil Procedure Law from 2018 to 2020. She holds a Ph.D. degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), where she wrote a thesis on jurisdiction and cross-border collective redress (published at Hart Publishing in 2019). In 2020-2021, she wrote a postdoctoral thesis on the recognition and enforcement of mediated settlement agreements at the University of McGill. At present, she is a Visiting Professor in private international law at the University of Girona (Spain). Dr Pato’s areas of expertise include private international law, (international) civil procedure, consumer protection, commercial law and data protection. She is a co-editor of blogdroiteuropéen, an interdisciplinary and innovative law blog, the object of which is to federate European researchers and spread legal analyses. She is also an external member of the editorial team of the Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. You may contact her at the following email address: alexia.pato(at)udg.edu