EU-Project: IRECS
Improving research ethics expertise and competences to ensure reliability and trust in scienceiRECS, an EU-funded Horizon Europe project, is based on the premise that ethical research is key to high quality research and a prerequisite for public trust and innovation in Europe and beyond. An important way to promote awareness of the ethical requirements associated with new research fields and technologies is to develop and implement innovative, cutting-edge training programmes. Such training can also improve ethical review processes so that they are not perceived as a burden on research and innovation, but rather as a support mechanism for connecting science and society.
iRECS will address these issues in four ways. Firstly, iRECS will scan and map the existing needs created by new and emerging technologies in the European and global research ethics communities. Secondly, iRECS will produce and implement training materials for European and global audiences in research ethics. Thirdly, it will implement and sustain training programmes. Fourthly, it will propose adjustments to the research ethics process in Europe. Through a unique mix of expertise, global partners and the involvement of European research ethics networks as partners or members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board, iRECS will