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Hier erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die wichtigsten aktuellen und die bereits abgeschlossenen Forschungsprojekte von Professor Spranger.

Aktuell laufende Projekte / Current Research Projects


Completed Research Projects

Already completed projects

  • NeuroSCAN: Ethical and Legal Aspects of Norms in Neuroimaging
    Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Henrik Walter, Charité Berlin
    Sub-project leader: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tade M. Spranger
    Funded by the BMBF (2008-2011)
  • Media imagery and neuroscience
    Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tade M. Spranger
    Funded by the BMBF (2012-2014)
  • The reverent handling of the human corpse in the context of burial and burial at the intersection of ethics and law
    Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tade M. Spranger
    Funded by the DFG (2012-2013)
  • Media imagery and neuroscience 2.0
    Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tade M. Spranger
    Funded by the BMBF (2015-2016)
  • Psychiatric Neurosurgery - Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues
    PNS: Ethical, legal and societal aspects of modern psychiatric neurosurgery
    Project coordinator: Dr. Sabine Müller
    Sub-project leader legal sub-project: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tade M. Spranger
    Funded by the BMBF (2016-2019)
  • FUNUS Foundation: Gravestones from child labour
    Project manager: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tade M. Spranger
    Funded by the FUNUS Foundation (2020-2023)