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Collective Labor Law II

The lecture deals with employee participation in companies and enterprises. In addition to the regulation of working and economic conditions by means of collective agreements, institutionalized employee participation within the company, enterprise and group of companies occurs, to a certain extent as the "second pillar" of collective labor law. The actors here are, in particular, works councils and supervisory boards. An overview of the system of employee participation is followed by an introduction to corporate co-determination and the law governing supervisory boards. One focus, however, is on works constitution law. Here, the organization of the works constitution is first examined, in particular the structure and election procedures of the works councils. Finally, the system of participation rights of the works council is presented in detail.
Time and place of the course: weekly, Tues., 10-12 a.m., Lecture Hall A
Start of the course: 10.10.2023
IMPORTANT NOTE: The first lecture date on 10.10.2023 will take place exclusively via Zoom. You can find the Zoom invitation link on eCampus.
Recommended reading (most recent edition of each): Arbeitsgesetze (Beck-Texte im dtv) or comparable text edition; Preis/Greiner, Arbeitsrecht Bd. 2 - Praxis-Lehrbuch zum Kollektivarbeitsrecht.
Lecture materials and access data can be found at eCampus.


Law of contractual obligations

The lecture deals with the individual contractual obligations directly after the lecture Schuldrecht AT (offered by Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider), which deals with the general part of the law of obligations. Special emphasis is placed on the law of sales, tenancy law, the law of contracts for work and services, as well as on types of contracts not regulated by law (especially leasing contracts). The course concept combines a classical lecture with exercise elements, i.e. discussions of exemplary cases.

Place and time of the lecture: Lecture hall E, Tue. 16-18 c.t., Wed. 12-14 and 16-18 c.t., weekly in the second half of the semester.

Start of the course: 29.11.2023

Literature recommendations (in each case in the most current edition): BGB, Beck-Texte im dtv (or other text edition); Greiner, Schuldrecht - Besonderer Teil, 2nd ed. 2019


Labor Law in Legal Practice (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gregor Thüsing)

The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students specializing in labor law with perspectives and methods of legal application in law firms at an early stage. The course is held in cooperation with representatives of the legal practice who are particularly qualified in this field. Excursions to law firms are part of the course. In terms of content, the course focuses on labor law topics with a particularly high level of practical relevance, in some cases beyond the classical subject matter of basic labor law lectures. Methodological issues of particular practical relevance, such as the conduct of negotiations, will also be the subject of the course.
Place and time of the course: four full-day block dates in law firms after separate announcement in BASIS.
Please register for the course by e-mail at sekretariat.greiner@jura.uni-bonn.de by 15.10.2021 at the latest and please inform us in good time in case you are unable to attend individual dates.
Recommended literature (in each case in the most current edition): Arbeitsgesetze (Beck-Texte im dtv) or comparable text edition; Preis/Temming, Arbeitsrecht Bd. 1 - Praxis-Lehrbuch zum Individualarbeitsrecht; Preis/Greiner, Arbeitsrecht Bd. 2 - Praxis-Lehrbuch zum Kollektivarbeitsrecht; Dütz/Thüsing, Arbeitsrecht; Waltermann, Arbeitsrecht.
Lecture materials can be found at eCampus.


Supreme Court Jurisprudence in Labor Law (Dr. Jens Tiedemann)

This lecture deals with the content, development and methodology of the case law of the highest courts in the field of labor law, in particular that of the Federal Labor Court and the European Court of Justice. The development of case law in selected areas of individual and collective labor law will be presented. Special attention will be paid to the methodology of judicial argumentation and reasoning as well as to the interaction of different courts in the European multi-level system. The lecture participants should be enabled to critically and problem-consciously deal with case law. Preparatory reading of the selected decisions and active participation in the course are particularly desired.
Time and place of the course: weekly, Wed., 10-12, HS A
Start of the course: 11.10.2023
Literature recommendations (in each case in the most current edition): Arbeitsgesetze (Beck-Texte im dtv) or comparable text edition; Preis/Temming, Arbeitsrecht Bd. 1 - Praxis-Lehrbuch zum Individualarbeitsrecht; Preis/Greiner, Arbeitsrecht Bd. 2 - Praxis-Lehrbuch zum Kollektivarbeitsrecht; Dütz/Thüsing, Arbeitsrecht; Waltermann, Arbeitsrecht
Materials for the lecture can be found on eCampus.