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Eine vollständige Liste aller Vorträge als pdf-Dokument findet sich hier. For a list of all invited lectures and presentations as a pdf see here.


14 February 2024 – The Hamas-Israel War in the Eyes of International Law, presentation to the Middle East Study Centre (MESC), University of Hull, online


14 November 2023 – The Israel-Hamas Conflict and International Law, presentation to the human rights law master programme at Lund University, online

10 November 2023 – Conflict in Ukraine and the Duty of Non-recognition, presentation at the conference on ‘The Duty of Non-Recognition in Contemporary International Law: The Conflict in Ukraine and Beyond’, Rome

23 October 2023 – Non-treaty Sources for Climate Change Obligations and Legal Consequences, presentation at the 5th OPEC-OPEC Fund Annual Legal Workshop on Responsibility of States regarding Climate Change, Vienna

3 October 2023 - “Wir, die Völker der Vereinten Nationen – fest entschlossen, künftige Geschlechter vor der Geißel des Krieges zu bewahren…” Was kann die UN leisten – und wo liegen ihre Grenzen? [We, the Peoples of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war …” What can the UN achieve – and where are its limits?], panel discussion at the ceremony on the occasion of German Unity Day, World Conference Center Bonn

27 April 2023 - Standing in UNCLOS Litigation, keynote at V. Colombian Congress of International Law, Bogotá

19 April 2023 - Waffenlieferung an die Ukraine [Delivery of Arms to Ukraine], Web-Talk, Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Baden-Württemberg, online



13 November 2022 - In Frieden über den Krieg reden [Talking About War in Peacetime], dialogue on the war against Ukraine, Academy of the Protestant Church in the Rhineland

22 September 2022 - Neutralität und Angriffskrieg – Überlegungen zur aktuellen Bedeutung des Neutralitätsrechts [Neutrality and Wars of Aggression – Thoughts on the Present State oft the Law of Neutrality], presentation at the annual meeting of the German Society of Military Law and International Humanitarian Law, Berlin

9 September 2022 - Verfahren im Gemeinschaftsinteresse vor dem Internatoinalen Gerichtshof (IGH) [Public interest litigation before the International Court of Justice (ICJ)], presentation at the annual meeting of the German section of the Attenders and Alumni of the Hague Academy of International Law, Bonn

1 September 2022 - The Convention’s contribution to the development of the law of the sea and international law, online presentation at the conference UNCLOS at 40: Retrospect and Prospect, jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China

18 July 2022 – Standing before the International Court of Justice, Online lecture at the XVIII International Law Winter Program, organized by the Centro de Direito Internacional, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

29 June 2022 – Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine im Lichte des Völkerrechts [The Russian War of Aggression Against Ukraine from the Perspective of International Law], presentation to the scholars of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Bonn

24 June 2022 – Exterritoriale Geltung der Grundrechte: Universeller Anspruch nationaler Identität? [Extraterritorial Application of Constitutional Rights: Universal Pretence of National Identity?], comment at the colloquium on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Matthias Herdegen, Bonn

15 June 2022 - Standing in UNCLOS Litigation, presentation at a webinar of the North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

5 May 2022 - Legal Standing in UNCLOS Litigation,  presentation at the workshop on The United Nations Convention on the law of the sea at forty: the contribution of the judiciary and judicial jurisdiction, Utrecht

17-21 January 2022 - Forfeiture of Rights in International Law, Specialist Course at The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague



26 November 2021 - Tactical Admissions in International Litigation, presentation to the Public International Law Discussion Group at the University of Oxford [the podcast of the presentation can be found here]

25 October 2021 - The distinction between civilian objects and military objectives: a different reading of Article 52(2) of Additional Protocol I, presentation to the research forum of the International Legal Affairs Branch, International Law Department in the Military Advocate General of the Israel Defence Force

12 July 2021 - The regime of islands and the interpretation of Article 121 UNCLOS by the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration, Conference on Entangled Law and Politics in the South China Sea: Seeking a Way Forward, Beijing, National Institute for South China Sea Studies



8 December 2020 - Jugend ins Völkerrecht - aber wie? [How to Bring Youth into International Law], introductory remarks to panel online discussion

1 December 2020 - Can the UN Security Council change the law (of occupation)?, Presentation at the Visiting Fellows’ Colloquium, All Souls College, Oxford

27 November 2020 - An Episode from the Libyan Civil War, or How to Prevent Banknotes from Reaching a Dictator, keynote address delivered on the occasion of the awarding of the law prizes at St. Anne’s College, Oxford

24 September 2020 - Some Thoughts on the Libya-Turkey Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of 27 November 2019, Discussion on “Delimiting the Mediterranean Blue", Hellenic Branch of the International Law Association



27 November 2019 - Jus cogens Throughout the Centuries: The History of the Idea of Superior Norms in International Law, Josephine Onoh Memorial Lecture, University of Hull

23 October 2019 - Die Sklaverei und das Völkerrecht [Slavery and International Law], keynote speech on the occasion of the opening of the art exhibition, “400 years ... still not free”, University of Bonn

16 May 2019 - Seenotrettung - eine völkerrechtliche Perspektive [Maritime Rescue Operations – a Public International Law Perspective], conference ‘Fled – Rescued – Wanted’, Bonn



6 November 2018 - Legal Aspects of Germany’s Maritime Security, presentation at The 2nd KAS-CSIS Germany – Indonesia Strategic Dialogue, Jakarta

26 June 2018 - W(h)ither ISDS? The Impact of Achmea on Pending Arbitrations under Member States' BITs and the Energy Charter Treaty, presentation at a Colloquium co-organized by ICCA and the Amsterdam Center for International Law



4-7 September 2017 - Compulsory Arbitration under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, six lectures at the Third Training Session of the China – Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) Exchange Programme on International Law, Beijing



5 September 2016 - Die Eroberung der Weltmeere [The Conquest of the Oceans], panel discussion on the TV documentary The Conquest of the Oceans, MS Wissenschaft, Bonn

16 July 2016 - The Hague has spoken, the matter is finished – or perhaps not, presenation at the Public International Law Colloquium on Maritime Disputes Settlement, jointly organized by the Chinese Society of International Law and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Hong Kong

15 July 2016 – Territorial Sovereignty over Low-tide Elevations, Presentation at the Public International Law Colloquium on Maritime Dispute Settlement, organized jointly by the Chinese Society of International Law and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Hong Kong

2 May 2016 – Von der Nichteinmischung zur Responsibility to Protect [From the Principle of Non-Intervention to the Responsibility to Protect], Talk given at the Rotary Club, Bonn-Siebengebirge

24 February 2016 – Inseln als Konfliktherde: Die seerechtliche Lage im süd- und ostchinesischen Meer [Islands as Trouble Spots: A Law of the Sea Perspective on the Conflicts in the South and East China Seas], Presentation at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin

19 February 2016 – Attacks on International Civil Aviation before the International Criminal Court, presentation at the 2016 IATA Legal Symposium, Barcelona, Spain



25 November 2015 – Sanktionen statt (Krim-)Sekt – Die Reaktion der Staatengemeinschaft auf eine "Wiedervereinigung" nach russischer Art [Sanctions rather than Sparkling Wine (from Crimea) – The International Community’s Response to the "Reunification" à la Russe], Lecture at the University of Trier

30 October 2015 – Reading Tea Leaves: How the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration Ma Deal with Possible Chinese Preliminary Objctions, Presentation at the Third International Workshop on Cooperation and Development in the South China Sea, Wuhan, China

13 October 2015 – Assessing the Record of the ILC and Identifying Its Present Role, Presentation at the Oxford-Foreign and Commonwealth Office Workshop ‘Getting the Most from the International Law Commission: Its Record and Future, All Souls College, Oxford

12 September 2015 – The Situation in Ukraine, Panelist at the 11th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law, Oslo, Norway

27 February 2015 - Maritime Disputes and the South China Sea, Panelist at the Harvard International Law Journal Symposium, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, USA [Symposium website]



20 November 2014 - Determining Customary International Law: The ICJ's Methodology between Induction, Deduction and Assertion, Presentation to the Korean Society of International Law, Seoul, Korea

20 November 2014 - The Duty Not to Recognize the Illegal Annexation of Crimea: What Does It Mean in Practice?, Presentation to the Foundation for the Development of International Law in Asia (DILA), Seoul, Korea [for the flyer, see here]

19 November 2014 - The Philippines v. China Arbitration: Some Critical Issues, Presentation at the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Seoul, Korea

5 June 2014 - Völkerrechtliche Fragen der Internet- und Telekommunikationsüberwachung durch die US-National Security Agency in Deutschland [Public International Law Questions Relating to the Surveillance of the Internet and Telecommunications by the US National Security Agency in Germany], Presentation to the Committee of Inquiry of the German Parliament, Berlin

4 February 2014 - Von der Nichteinmischung zur Responsibility to Protect [From the Principle of Non-Intervention to the Responsibility to Protect], Lecture to the University Club, Bonn

16 January 2014 - Determining the Law: The Court's Methodology between Induction and Deduction, Presentation at the Conference "The International Court of Justice: Current Challenges", organized by the German Foreign Office, Berlin, 16-17 January 2014 [the programme of the conference may be found here]



4 October 2013 - International Recognition of New States, Presentation at the 3rd International Conference Building a New State 2013, organized by the civil society organization Sobirania i Justícia, Barcelona, Spain [The programme of the Conference in Catalan may be found here; for press reports on the Conference in Catalan, see here and here; for photos see here; for video on YouTube see here]

19 July 2013 - The Issue of Jurisdiction in the Compulsory Arbitration Proceedings on the South China Sea, Presentation at The Second Workshop on Cooperation and Development in the South China Sea, Beijing, China [the programme may be found here]

9 July 2013 - Direito do mar e questões relevantes para a exploração e produção de petróleo [The Law of the Sea and relevant issues for the exploration and production of petroleum], Lecture at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [for the flyer, see here]

1-5 July 2013 - State Sovereignty in Contemporary International Law, Series of five Lectures at the IX International Law Winter Course, CEDIN, Belo Horizonte, Brazil [for information on the IX Winter Course, see here and here; the programme may be found here]

15 May 2013 - Islands of Discontent - Why Being a Rock Makes Life Easier, Presentation at the 2013 ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum on 'International Law and Dispute Resolution: Challenges in the Asia Pacific', Taipei, Taiwan [Conference brochure]

14 May 2013 - Recognition in the Context of Civil Wars, Presentation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Taipei, Taiwan

8 April 2013 - Von der Nichteinmischung zur Schutzverantwortung [From the Principle of Non-intervention to the Responsibility to Protect], Lunchtime lecture to the International Club La Redoute, Bad Godesberg

15 March 2013 - Immunität von Staatsbediensteten [Immunity of State Officials], Presentation at the Bi-Annual Conference of the German Society of International Law, Lucerne, Switzerland [Thesenpapier/Summary of main argument]

27 February 2013 - Von der Nichteinmischung zur Responsibility to Protect [From the Priniple of Non-intervention to the Responsibility to Protect], Presentation at the Workshop on "New Challgenes to Peace and Security Policy", Zinzendorfhaus, Neudietendorf bei Erfurt



6 December 2012 - Gerechtigkeit vs. Frieden: Menschenrechte als Grenzen staatlicher Souveränität [Justice v Peace: Human Rights as Limits of State Sovereignty], Panel discussion with Josef Isensee at the invitation of bonner juristisches forum and ELSA Bonn, Law Faculty, University of Bonn [Flyer]

29 October 2012 - International Law and Diplomacy in the Libyan Civil War, University of Cologne, Institute for International Peace and Security Law, Cologne [Flyer]

9-13 July 2012 - The Structural Principles of the International Legal System: General Course on Public International Law, Xiamen Academy of International Law, University of Xiamen, China [the reader for the lectures may be found here; for a report see here]

7 May 2012 - Jus Cogens after 'Germany v. Italy': Substantive and Procedural Rules Distinguished, Lecture at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy [Programme]

23 March 2012 - Der Sicherheitsrat als Agent der Demokratisierung: Zwischen universalem Anspruch und westlicher Dominanz [The Security Council as an Agent of Democratization: Between Universal Pretence and Western Dominance], Comments on the paper of Dr. Charlotte Steinorth at the Conference on 'Demokratie - Wandel - kollektive Sicherheit: Das Völkerrecht ein Jahr nach dem Umbruch in der arabischen Welt [Democracy - Change - Collective Security: The State of Public International Law One Year after the Upheaval in the Arab World]', organized jointly by the German Society of International Law and the Study Group of Young Public International Lawyers, Düsseldorf, Germany [Programm and Comments]

12 March 2012 - The Legal Regime of Islands in International Law, Lecture at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute, Malta [IMLI e-News No 9-36]

29 February 2012 - International Law and Diplomacy in the Libyan Civil War, Presentation at the Facult of Law, Economics and Finance, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg [http://www.fnr.lu/en/News-Events/Events/International-Law-and-Diplomacy-in-the-Libyan-Civil-War]

24 February 2012 - De Facto and De Jure Recognition of Governments: Recent Cases from the MENA Region, Presentation at the Conference on 'Constitutional Reform in Arab Countries', 22-24 Februray 2012, organized by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany [Programme]



26 November 2011 - Die Grenzen der Anwendung der allgemeinen Regeln des Völkerrechts im deutschen Recht [The Limits of Application of the General Rules of International Law in German Domestic Law], Presentation at the Symposium in honour of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum on the occasion of his 70th brithday, Tübingen, Germany [Programme]

20 October 2011 - Recognition of States and Governments, Presentation at '60 Years in International Law: Seminar in Honour of Sir Elihu Lauterpacht CBE QC LLD'

, conducted by 20 Essex Street and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London [available in the UN's Audiovisual Library of International Law at untreaty.un.org/cod/avl/ls/lauterpachtseminar_video2.html]

27 May 2011 - The Recognition of Kosovo and the Myth that International Law Has Anything to Do with It

; Presentation at the 4th Research Forum of the European Society of International Law, Tallinn, Estonia [video of the presentation available at uttv.ee/naita]

24 May 2011 - How Public International Law Has Been Made, Found and Proven from the 17th to the 21st Century; Youard Lecture in Legal History, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law [available as a University of Oxford podcast at http://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/how-public-international-law-has-been-made-found-and-proven-17th-21st-century-audio]

9 May 2011 - Diplomatic Relations with Insurrectional Movements and Secessionist Entities; Presentation at the Conference on 'The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations at the Age of Fifty: State of Affairs and Challenges Ahead' at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, Belgium [http://ghum.kuleuven.be/ggs/events/2011/05_2011/conference_vcdr_9may2011.pdf]

28 Mar 2011 - International Organizations as Law-makers with Particular Reference to the Security Council, Lecture at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute, Malta [IMLI News]

3 Feb 2011 - The Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Kosovo, the ICJ's Advisory Opinion and What It May Mean for Scottish Independence, Presentation at the Glasgow ILA Seminars 2011, University of Glasgow, School of Law [Programme]