Bonner Reading Group

The Institute for Public International Law is pleased to host the Bonner Reading Group. The informal meeting offers the opportunity to present and discuss international legal publications. The reading group meets at the library of the Institute and is open to anyone interested in public international law. No prior knowledge is required.
No registration required.
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Upcoming session:
28 May, 5 pm: Special Edition
This month, we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law. That is the occasion to discuss the relationship between constitutional arrangements and international law more broadly. We especially welcome students with experience in other countries, who want to talk about the reception of international law in their host country.
Past papers
21 February, 5 pm: ICJ case on the Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation).
18 January 2024, 16.15-17.00: Maksym Vishchyk/Jeremy Pizzi, Compromises on Territory, Legal Order, and World Peace: The Fate of International Law Lies on Ukraine’s Borders (6 October 2023), Just Security
2 November 2023, 17.00-17.45: Janina Dill, Our Shared Horror (13 October 2023) EJIL:Talk!
12 October 2023, 16.15-17.00: James Thuo Gathii, Beyond Color-Blind International Economic Law (2023) Vol. 117 AJIL Unbound 61-65
11 May 2023, 17.15-18.00: Matiangai Sirleaf, White Health as Global Health (2023) Vol. 117 AJIL Unbound 88-93
9 March 2023, 17.00-18.00: Anna Hankings-Evans, Race and Empire in International Law: Basu v. Germany and the Marginalization of Racial Discrimination in Human Rights Discourse and Jurisprudence (14 December 2022) Völkerrechtsblog
26 January, 17.00-18.00: Louise Arimatsu/Christine Chinkin, War, law and patriarchy (5 April 2022) LSE Women, Peace and Security blog
15 December, 17.00-18.00: Nico Krisch, Jurisdiction Unbound: (Extra)territorial Regulation as Global Governance (2022) 33 EJIL 481-514
3 November, 17.00-18.00: E. Tendayi Achiume, Race, Borders, and Jurisdiction (2022) 82 ZaöRV 465-482