Speed Moot (English)
As the name suggests, "speed mooting" is shorter in speech and preparation time and offers the opportunity to moot without the lengthy preparation. The majority of speed moots allow for five to ten minutes per person and the problem is usually given two or three hours prior to the moot.
Mooters will be provided with relevant authorities and there will be a mixture of mooting and feedback, both in English or optionally also in German. The mooting problem will be in the area of general public international law. It is a fun, interactive event during which our coaches work through a moot problem with small groups, providing guidance and encouragement.
The date for the next Summer Term Speed Moot will be posted here soon.
Mooting Rules
- Counsel will have two and a half hours for preparing their submissions.
- Counsel will present argument to the International Court of Justice.
- Counsel for the applicant will speak first; followed by Counsel for the respondent.
- Each party has eight (8) minutes to present their submissions.
- The applicant has two (2) minutes for reply and the respondent two (2) minutes for rejoinder.
- Time limits will be strictly enforced.
- At each stage of the proceedings, the clerk will display the relevant warning sign to indicate when "5 minutes" remain, "2 minutes" remain and at "Time".
- The time taken up for questions by judges forms part of the maximum time allowed for submissions.
- Judges may grant a short extension of time to allow counsel to finish responding to a question.
- Counsel may not refer in detail to authorities not appearing in the "Authorities". Reference may be made to facts and events which are public knowledge.
- Argument by counsel will be followed by judges' feedback.