Am Institut entstandene Veröffentlichungen/Publications Originating from the Institute
- 2024
- Rohan Sinha: Reference Re Secession of Quebec Case (Can), in: Rainer Grote/Frauke Lachenmann/Rüdiger Wolfrum (eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia for Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press, 2024).
- Maria A. Gwynn: Settlement of Water-Related Disputes in International Law, in: Russell Buchan/Daniel Franchini/Nicholas Tsagourias (eds.), The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement: Challenges and Prospects (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024).
- 2023
- Maria A. Gwynn: International Law and Transboundary Dams: Lessons learned from the Binational Entity ITAIPU (Brazil and Paraguay) (2023) 5 Frontiers in Climate, section Climate Law and Policy 1-4.
- Julian Hettihewa: Why a Court Alone Won’t Bring Us to Heaven: A Note on the Hearing of Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others, Völkerrechtsblog, 12 October 2023.
- Rohan Sinha: Short Detention, Long Shadow: The Ponsatí Case and the Scope of Parliamentary Immunity, Verfassungsblog, 7 April 2023.
- Stefan Talmon: German Practice in International Law 2020 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023) XXVIII, 534 pp.
- 2022
- Alexis Galán: Principal Purpose Test and Customary International Law: A note of caution (2022) 14(4) World Tax Journal 617-652 (with Ricardo García Antón).
- Julian Hettihewa: Looking Behind the UN Youth Office: Considering Structural Limitations of Youth Participation After the Party, EJIL: Talk!, 4 October 2022.
- Julian Hettihewa:Anspruch auf Teilhabe. Um die Repräsentation junger Menschen in der internationalen Politik wird gerungen (2022) 177 WZB-Mitteilungen 14-17 (with Anna Holzscheiter and Laura Pantzerhielm).
- Julian Hettihewa: Jurisdiction - Who Speaks International Law? (2022) 82 Heidelberg Journal of International Law 289-298 (with Sué González Hauck, Franziska Herrmann, Dariush Kraft, Max Milas, Stephanie Springer, Franka Weckner).
- Julian Hettihewa: “I resigned because Russia had become an absolutely indefensible client”: An Interview with Alain Pellet, Völkerrechtsblog, 4 July 2022 (with Alain Pellet, Justine Batura, Polina Kulish); French: « J’ai démissionné car la Russie était devenue un client absolument indéfendable »: Une interview avec Alain Pellet, Völkerrechtsblog, 4 Juillet 2022 (avec Alain Pellet, Justine Batura, Polina Kulish).
- Rohan Sinha: European Union Law in Extraterritorial State Operations: Examining Juxtaposed Border Controls After Brexit, in: Casolari/Gatti (eds.), The Application of EU Law Beyond Its Borders (CLEER PAPERS 2022/3) pp. 91-109.
- Stefan Talmon: Kriegspartei oder nicht Kriegspartei? Das ist nicht die Frage [To Be a Belligerent or Not to Be a Belligerent? That is Not the Question], Verfassungsblog, 4 May 2022.
- Stefan Talmon: Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine als Ausdruck eines wertebasierten Völkerrechts, Verfassungsblog, 9 March 2022.
- Stefan Talmon: The South China Sea Arbitration: Jurisdiction – Admissibility - Procedure (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2022), XL, 407 pp.
- 2021
- Julian Hettihewa: Why youth participation in climate change remains a struggle, Blog of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing (University of Oxford), 10 November 2021.
- Julian Hettihewa: “We Are Trying to Speak Up Because We Know What is Happening in Our Countries”: An Interview on Youth Participation During Pre-COP26, Völkerrechtsblog, 29 October 2021 (with Elizabeth Wathuti).
- Julian Hettihewa: Who Speaks International Law? Introducing the Symposium on the 2021 AjV-DGIR Conference, Völkerrechtsblog , 30 August 2021 (with Sué González Hauck).
- Julian Hettihewa: Navigating an Ocean of Information: Introducing Youth Delegate Search, a Database with Transformative Potential, Verfassungsblog; Navigating an Ocean of Information: Introducing Youth Delegate Search, a Database with Transformative Potential, Völkerrechtsblog, 12 August 2021 (with Felix Schott).
- Julian Hettihewa: Hand in hand: an argument for an analytical alliance on young and older people, Blog of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing (University of Oxford), 14 July 2021.
- Julian Hettihewa: “We contributed to the respect for international law and the peaceful resolution of international conflicts”: An interview with Ina Heusgen, Völkerrechtsblog, 8 February 2021 (with Ina Heusgen); German: „Wir haben in diesem Gremium zur Einhaltung des internationalen Rechts und zur friedlichen Konfliktlösung beigetragen“: Ein Interview mit Ina Heusgen, Völkerrechtsblog, 8. Februar 2021 (mit Ina Heusgen).
- Julian Craven: Wie Johnson das Nordirland-Protokoll unterlaufen will, Frankfurter Allgemeine Einspruch, 4. June 2021.
- Stefan Talmon: Relinquishment of jurisdiction contra legem: The European Court of Human Rights’ decision in Grzęda v. Poland, EJIL.Talk!, 22 July 2021.
- Stefan Talmon: Germany warns Israel that annexation of any part of the occupied Palestinian territories would represent “a most serious violation of international law”, GPIL - German Practice in International Law, 27 May 2021.
- Stefan Talmon: Germany’s push for ambitious UNSCR on sexual violence in armed conflict hits the veto power, GPIL - German Practice in International Law, 15 April 2021.
- Stefan Talmon: Widersprüchlicher Widerspruch [Objectionable Objection], Frankfurter Allgemeine Einspruch, 23 February 2021.
- Stefan Talmon/Rohan Sinha: Germany rejects U.S. sanctions against Nord Stream 2 as contrary to international law, GPIL - German Practice in International Law, 5 January 2021.
- Stefan Talmon: Vorwort [Preface], in: Stefan Talmon (Hrsg.), Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum: Kleine Schriften II [ Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum: Miscellanea II] (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2021), pp. 5-6.
- 2020
- Alexis Galan: System, Order, and History as a Conceptual Repository in International Law (2020) 83(2) Modern Law Review 451-476.
- Maria A. Gwynn: The Uses of Common and Shared Natural Resources: A Tragedy or a Chance for Governance? (2020) 3 Unweltrechtliche Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis 97–15.
- Maria A. Gwynn: South America and the Living Principle of Reasonable and Equitable Uses of International Watercourses, Water Science Policy, Geography Department Oxford, 27 March 2021.
- Maria A. Gwynn: El Derecho Internacional de Aguas, la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho sobre los Usos de Cursos de Agua Internacionales para Fines Distintos a la Navegación, y el Tratado de Itaipu (2020) Revista Diplomática, Academia Diplomática y Consular “Carlos Antonio López”, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República del Paraguay, Año 9, Número 10.
- Maria A. Gwynn: How to share a river, Project Syndicate, 10 September 2020 (with Bedasso, B).
- Julian Hettihewa: Reclaiming the Voice of Youth: Pandemic Politics and Law and the Invisibility of Youth, EJIL: Talk!, 3 December 2020 (with Anna Holzscheiter).
- Julian Hettihewa: A turn to youth in international law? UN Security Council resolution 2535, Völkerrechtsblog, 17. August 2020.
- Stefan Talmon: Verbraucherschutz trifft Völkerrecht [Consumer Protection Meets International Law], JuristenZeitung 75 (2020), pp. 1051-1058.
- Stefan Talmon: "Thou shalt not ‘break international law in a very specific and limited way’": A German perspective on the debate around the United Kingdom Internal Market Bill, Völkerrechtsblog, 15 September 2020.
Research Papers
- Stefan Talmon, The Legalizing and Legitimizing Function of UN General Assembly Resolutions, Bonn Research Paper on Public International Law, Paper 8/2014 (14 October 2014),; published on AJIL Unbound, 18 July 2014
- Stefan Talmon, At last! Germany Admits Illegality of the Kosovo Intervention, Bonn Research Paper on Public International Law, Paper 7/2014 (10 October 2014),, to be published in German Yearbook of International Law 57 (2014)
- Stefan Talmon, Immunität von Staatsbediensteten [Immunity of State Officials], Bonn Research Papers on Public International Law, Paper 6/2014 (22 September 2014),, published in Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht 46 (2014), pp. 313-376
- Stefan Talmon, The (Not so) "Sacred" Word of an Italian Ambassador and Diplomatic Immunity for Contempt of Court, Bonn Research Papers on Public International Law, Paper 5/2014 (9 September 2014),, to be published in Indian Journal of International Law
- Stefan Talmon, Determining Customary International Law: The ICJ's Methdology between Induction, Deduction and Assertion, Bonn Research Papers on Public International Law, Paper 4/2014 (24 July 2014),, to be published in European Journal of International Law
- Eike von Schmeling, Rechtsprobleme des Einsatzes von unbemannten 'Kriegsschiffen' [Legal Issues Concerning the Deployment of Unmanned 'Warships'], Bonn Research Papers on Public International Law, Paper 3/2014 (4 June 2014),, to be published in Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht
- Stefan Talmon, TheSouth China Sea Arbitration: Is There a Case to Answer?, Bonn Research Papers on Public International Law, Paper 2/2014 (9 February 2014),; published in Talmon/Jia (eds.), The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014), pp. 15-79.
- Tim Banning, The 'Kundus Incident' of 4 September 2009: Was the Aerial Attack Ordered by German Colonel Klein Lawful under International Humanitarian Law?, Bonn Research Papers on Public International Law, Paper 1/2014 (11 January 2014),
- Stefan Talmon, Tapping the German Chancellor's Cell Phone and Public International Law], Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 3A/2013 (11 November 2013), (English version); also available at
- Stefan Talmon, Das Abhören des Kanzlerhandys und das Völkerrecht [Tapping the German Chancellor's Cell Phone and Public International Law], Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 3/2013 (31 October 2013), (German version)
- Steven Reinhold, Good Faith in International Law, Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 2/2013 (23 May 2013),, published in UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 2 (2013), pp. 40-63.
- Stefan Talmon, Recognition of Opposition Groups as the Legitimate Representative of a People, Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 1/2013 (3 March 2013),, published in Chinese Journal of International Law 12 (2013), pp. 219-253.
- Stefan Talmon, Die Grenzen der Anwendung des Völkerrechts im deutschen Recht [The Limits of Application of Public International Law in German Domestic Law], Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 5/2012 (17 June 2012),, published in JuristenZeitung 68 (2013), pp. 12-21.
- Stefan Talmon, Jus Cogens after Germany v. Italy: Substantive and Procedural Rules Distinguished, Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 4/2012 (16 June 2012), published in Leiden Journal of International Law 25 (2012), pp. 979-1002,
- Stefan Talmon, Günter Grass und das Völkerrecht [Günter Grass and Public International Law], Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 3/2012 (24 April 2012), published in Bonner Rechtsjournal 01/2012, pp. 16-17,
- Stefan Talmon, A Primer on ICJ Procedure: A Commentary on Article 43 ICJ Statute, Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 2/2012 (2 February 2012), published in: Andreas Zimmermann et al. (eds.), The Statute of the International Court of Justice: A Commentary (2nd edn, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 1088-1171,
- Stefan Talmon, The Absent Judge: A Commentary on Article 23 ICJ Statute, Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 1/2012 (5 January 2012), published in: Andreas Zimmermann et al. (eds.), The Statute of the International Court of Justice: A Commentary (2nd edn, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 435-452,
- Rudolf Dolzer and Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof, Participation Rights of Non-Member States of the Security Council: A Commentary on Articles 31 and 32 UN Charter, Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 2/2011 (7 December 2011), published in: Bruno Simma et al. (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary (3rd edn, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012),
- Stefan Talmon, A Universal System of Collective Security Based on the Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary on Article 2(6) UN Charter, Bonn Research Papers on International Law, Paper 1/2011 (20 November 2011), published in: Bruno Simma et al. (eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary (3rd edn, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 252-279,