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Medienaktivitäten/Media Activities

Eine vollständige Liste aller Interviews und Medienberichte als pdf-Dokument findet sich hier. For a full list of all interviews and media coverage as a pdf see here.


26 July 2024 – ICC Israeli arrest warrants: UK, Germany & US trying to block procedure, Al Jazeera English


10 July 2024 – Hope and resignation as Cypriots mark 50 years of division, quoted in article by Agence France Press on the 50th anniversary of the division of the island of Cyprus

13 June 2024 – Ohne Ahnsehen der Person. Für einen effektiven Internationalen Strafgerichtshof [Without Fear of Favour. For an Effective International Criminal Court] OpEd by nine professors of international law and international criminal law on the jurisdiction of the Internatioanl Criminal Court over the Israeli Prime Minister in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 135, p. 6, available here.

31 May 2024 – Die Bundesregierung erlaubt der Ukraine, russische Ziele mit deutschen Waffen anzugreifen [The German Government allows Ukraine to attack Russian targets with German weapons], radio interview with WDR 5 Echo des Tages on the decision of the German Government to allow Ukraine to use weapons supplied by Germany in attacks on Russian territory


30 May 2024 – What the I.C.J. Ruling Actually Means for Israel’s Offensive in Rafah, quoted in the New York Times in an article on the ICJ’s Provisional Measures Order in the case between South Africa and Israel concerning the application of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip


25 May 2024 – “Eine so weitreichende Verfügung gab es bisher noch nie“ [There has never been such a far-reaching measure before], interview with Der Spiegel on the Provisoinal Measures Order of the International Court of Justice in the case between South Africa and Israel concerning the application of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip


23 May 2024 – Völkerrechtler: Palästina ist noch kein Staat, eine Anerkennung ist Wunschdenken [International lawyer: Palestine is not a State yet, Recognition is wishful thinking], interview with RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland on the recognition of the State of Palestine by three European States


22 May 2024 – “Die Kritik am Strafgerichtshof ist vor allem politisch motiviert” [“The criticism of the International Criminal Court is mainly politically motivated”], interview with Der Spiegel on the arrest warrants against Israeli government officials and Hamas leaders


14 May 2024 – Focus: Was Begriffe wie Genozid und Völkerrecht bedeuten [Focus: What terms like genocide and public international law mean], interviewed on Swiss television channel SRF’s programme Ten to Ten on the use of the terms genocide, war crimes and apartheid in the context of Israel’s miltary operation in the Gaza Strip


02 May 2024 – International Court of Justice severely limits the transfer of arms to Israel, OpEd on the website of Turkish news agency Anadolu Ajansı on the International Court of Justice’s Provisional Measures Order in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)


01 May 2024 – IGH weist Eilantrag gegen Deutschlands Israel-Hilfen ab [ICJ rejects application for provisional measures against Germany’s aid to Israel], quoted by Deutsche Welle on the ICJ’s Povisional Measures Order in the case between Nicaragua and Germany


30 April 2024 – International Court of Justice severely limits the transfer of arms to Israel, OpEd in the English edition of Turkish news agency Anadolu Ajansi on the Provisional Measures Order of the Internatioanl Court of Justice in the case between Nicaragua and Germany


30 April 2024 – “Dieser Schuss der Nicaraguaner ist nach hinten losgegangen” [This shot by the Nicaraguans backfired], interview with Die Welt on the ICJ’s Provisional Measures Order in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)


30 April 2024 – IGH: Deutschland darf Israel Waffen liefern [ICJ: Germany may transfer arms to Israel], quoted in zdf heute on the ICJ’s Provisional Measures Order in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)



09 April 2024 – “Eine Entscheidung gegen Deutschland hätte unheimliches Druckpotenzial” [“A decision against Germany could exert immense pressure”], interview with Der Spiegel on the proceedings before the ICJ in Nicaragua v. Germany


09 April 2024 – Ist Vorgehen im Gaza-Streifen Völkermord?, radio interview with Deutschlandfunk - Das war der Tag on the proceedings before the ICJ in Nicaragua v. Germany

[https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/das-war-der-tag-09-04-2024-komplette-sendung-dlf-74e1d098-100.html] [from minute 15:20]

09 April 2024 – Alles nur Test­waffen und Helme? [All just test weapons and helmets?], quoted in Legal Tribune Online on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice


09 April 2024 – As Ramadan Nears Its End, Relief Remains Elusive in Gaza, quoted in New York Times on the repercussions of the case between Nicaragua and Germany on public opinion in Germany


09 April 2024 – Nicaragua v. Germany at the ICJ, interview with BBC Word Service’s Newsday programme on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice

[https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w172zbjxg33fkjb] [from minute 33:00]

08 April 2024 – Germany accused of “facilitating Gaza genocide”, interview with Le Monde on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice


08 April 2024 – ICJ to hear that Germany is complicit in genocide by arming Israel, interview with the UAE-based newspaper The National on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice


08 April 2024 – “Das stellt ganz klar ein Kriegsverbrechen dar. Aber eben nicht Völkermord” [That is clearly a war crime. But not genocide], interview with daily Süddeutsche Zeitung on Israel’s conduct of the war in the Gaza Strip and Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Nr. 81, 8 April 2024, p. 2.


07 April 2024 – Was kann der IGH ohne Israel entscheiden? [What can the ICJ decide without Israel?],interview with Legal Tribune Online on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice


07 April 2024 – Nicaragua zerrt Deutschland wegen Gazakrieg vor Haager Weltgericht [Nicaragua hauls Germany before the World Court because of Gaza], interview with Rheinische Post on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice



05 April 2024 – Gaza Krieg: Nicaragua verklagt Deutschland in Den Haag [Gaza War: Nicaragua sues Germany in The Hague], radio interview with Ann-Kathrin Jeske of Deutschlandfunk on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice


01 April 2024 – Deutschland vor Gericht: Was die IGH-Klage Nicaraguas bedeutet [Germany in the dock: What Nicaragua's ICJ lawsuit means], interview with Table. Security on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice


29 March 2024 – Biden Is Undermining the UN to Protect Israel’s War, interview with Jacobin on the binding force of UN Security Council resolution 2728 (2024)


29 March 2024 - Leistet Deutschland Beihilfe zu einem Völkermord? [Is Germany complicit in genocide?], interview with daily Die Welt on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice


27 March 2024 – Alman hukukçu Prof. Dr. Talmon'a göre UAD, Almanya'nın İsrail'e silah satışını kısıtlayabilir [German lawyer Prof. Dr. Talmon: ICJ may restrict Germany’s arms sales to Israel], interview with Anadolu Ajansı on the case brought by Nicaragua against Germany before the International Court of Justice

[https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/ayrimcilikhatti/ayrimcilik/alman-hukukcu-prof-dr-talmona-gore-uad-almanyanin-israile-silah-satisini-kisitlayabilir/1819573] [in Turkish]

[https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/top-un-court-could-decide-to-limit-germanys-arms-sales-to-israel-says-legal-expert/3176782] [English version]

08 March 2024 – ‘Germany’s Strong Public Support for Israel Has Made the Country the Main Target’, interview given to Julian Hettihewa at Völkerrechtsblog on Nicaragua’s case against Germany before the International Court of Justice alleging violations by Germany of the Genocide Convention, IHL and other norms of general international law in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the Gaza Strip


08 March 2024 – Auf der Anklagebank [In the Dock], interview with daily Süddeutsche Zeitung (p. 2) on Nicaragua bringing a case against Germany before the International Court of Justice for alleged violations by Germany of its obligations under the Genocide Convention and other norms of international law in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the Gaza Strip


04 March 2024 – Wann wären wir Kriegspartei? [When Would We Be Belligerents?], interview with ZEIT Online on whether the provision of Taurus missiles to Ukraine would make Germany a belligerent in the war between Russia and Ukraine


26 February 2024 – Apartheid: Vorwurf gegen Israel berechtigt? [Apartheid: Are the Allegations Justified?], interview with German broadcaster ZDF heute on the apartheid allegations levelled against Israel during the ICJ hearings in Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem


26 February 2024 – ‘Lawfare’ on Israel's war on Gaza reaches Germany. Will the case succeed?, interview with Al Jazeera on criminal complaint filed with Public Prosecutor General against high-ranking German officials for aidin and abetting genocide in Gaza


15 February 2024 – Hamas-Terror und Gazakrieg vor den Weltgerichten [Hamas Terror and the War in Gaza Before the World Courts], interview with Rheinische Post on Germany’s planned intervention case brought by South African against Israel before the International Court of Justice


2 February 2024 – Rishi Sunak’s Mission Creep in Yemen, interview with news site Declassified UK on the UK attacks on Houthi positions in Yemen


1 February 2024 – Norge sa nei til USA [Norway says No to the United States], interview with Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen on the US/UK attacks on Houthi positions in Yemen


26 January 2024 – ICJ: Israel must ensure basic services, aid in Gaza, interview in The Day with Gerhard Elfers (Deutsche Welle)


26 January 2024 – IGH: Israel muss Palästinenser besser schützen [ICJ: Israel must offer more protection to Palestinians], interview with ZDFheute


26 January 2024 – Erste Einschätzung zur Entscheidung des Internationalen Gerichtshofs am 26. Januar 2024, interview with tagesthemen 


11 January 2024 – Experte zu Völkermordklage Gegen Israel [Expert on genocide charges against Israel], interview with Nazan Gökdemir of heute journal up:date [television] on the case brought by South Africa against Israel before the International Court of Justice


11 January 2024 – International Justice: What happens after Israel is accused of “genocide”?, interview with Reem Najimi of DW Arabia [television] on the case brought by South Africa against Israel before the International Court of Justice


11 January 2024 – Völkermord-Anklage gegen Israel: Schwerer Vorwurf mit Folgen? [Genocide charges against Israel: Serious accusation with consequences?], interview with tagesschau.de on the case brought by South Africa against Israel alleging genocide by Israel in Gaza


10 January 2024 – South Africa’s Legal Quest at the World Court Could Further Banish Israel, interview with PassBlue on South Africa’s allegations of genocide against Israel




08 December 2023 – Kriegsvölkerrecht: Gaza [The Laws of War: Gaza], interview with Völkerrechtspodcast on the Israel-Hamas armed conflict


15 November 2023 – Völkerrechtler erklärt: Darf Israel militärisch genutzte Kliniken angreifen? [International lawyer explains: May Israel attack hospitals used for military purposes?], interview with news channel n-tv on the rules of international humanitarian law governing attacks on hospitals


11 November 2023 – Wer begeht im Gazastreifen Kriegsverbrechen? [Who commits war crimes in Gaza?], interview with ZEIT.ONLINE on the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas


09 November 2023 – “Der Vorwurf steht im Raum” Verübt Israel einen Genozid im Gazastreifen? [“The accusation is in the air” Is Israel committing genocide in the Gaza Strip?], interview with n-tv.de on allegations of genocide in the Israel-Hamas conflict


30 October 2023 – Hamas und Israel. Genozid-Vorwürfe: Das sagen Rechtsexperten [Hamas and Israel. Accusations of Genocide: What the Legal Experts Say], interview with ZDFheute on whether the Hamas terrorist attacks could constitute genocide


29 October 2023 – “Panama Papers” -Whistleblower macht Bundesregierung schwere Vorwürfe [“Panama Papers” - Whistleblower makes serious allegations against the federal government], interview with Welt+ on serving US court papers on the federal government in the case of John Doe v. Federal Republic of Germany


26 October 2023 – DW News, interview with news anchor Phil Gayle on international law aspects of the Hamas terror attack on Israel and Israel’s response


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1H7H1XaQjo] [starting 6.50 – 11.30]

Report on the interview: West ‘conspicuously silent’ on Gaza violations, legal expert says


21 October 2023 – Israels 9/11: Warum diesmal alles anders ist [Israel’s 9/11: Why this time everything is different], interview with F.A.Z. Machtprobe, the foreign affairs podcast of the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, on Israel’s response to the Hamas terror attack


19 October 2023 – Israel, Hamas, Gaza: Welche Regeln setzt das Völkerrecht? [Israel, Hamas, Gaza: What Rules Does International Law Provide?], interview with Deutsche Welle on the Hamas attack on Israel


19 October 2023 – Israel: Darf man Leid aufrechnen? [Israel: Is it allowed to offset suffering?], interview with weekly Die Zeit on Israel’s response to the Hamas terror attack, Die Zeit, Nr. 44, 19. Oktober 2023, p. 3

25 September 2023 – Nord-Stream-Anschläge: Viel Spekulation, wenige Fakten [Nord Stream pipelines blasts: A maze of speculation], interview with Deutsche Welle on the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea

[https://p.dw.com/p/4WeyR] (German)

[https://p.dw.com/p/4WlLh] (English)

[https://p.dw.com/p/4Wmea] (Russian)

[https://p.dw.com/p/4WnF9] (Ukrainian)

19 September 2023 – Internationaler Gerichtshof: Wird Russland in Den Haag verurteilt? [International Court of Justice: Will Russia be condemned in The Hague?], interview with zdf heute on the case concenring Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation: 32 States intervening) before the International Court of Justice


29 August 2023 – New airport sparks unlikely dreams in isolated north Cyprus, interview with Agence France Presse on direct flights to Northern Cyprus


28 August 2023 – A Chypre-Nord, le rêve de l'international avec un nouveau terminal aéroporturaire [Northern Cyprus, the international dream with a new airport terminal], interview with Agence France Presse on direct flights to northern Cyprus


7 July 2023 – ‘Der Anschlag auf Nord Stream ist ein Kriegsverbrechen [The Attack on Nord Stream is a War Crime]’, interview with weekly WirtschaftsWoche setting out the legal consequences of the attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline


20 March 2023 – ПомешаетлииммунитетпрезидентаарестоватьПутинавФРГ? [Will presidential immunity prevent Putin from being arrested in Germany?], interview with Deutsche Welle (Russian Service) of the enforcement of the arrest warrant against Russian President Putin in Germany


20 March 2023 – 20 Jahre Irak-Krieg [20the Anniversary of the Iraq War], interview with Bayern 2 radioWelt on the Iraq war and its repercussions for international law


30 January 2023 – Leopard 2 Lierferungen an die Ukraine: Was sagt das Völkerrecht? [Provision of Leopard 2 Tanks to Ukraine: What Does International Law Have to Say?], interview with Deutsche Welle Latinoamérica on the provision of weapons to Ukraine and the law of neutrality



23 September 2022 – Scheinreferenden: Ohne juristischen Bestand [Sham referendums: whithout legal force], interview with tagesschau.de on the referendums in the Russian occupied parts of Ukraine


23 September 2022 – Ukraine: Darum sind die Scheinreferenden illegal [Ukraine: Why the sham referendums are illegal], interview with WDR on the referendums in the Russian occupied parts of Ukraine


21 September 2022 – Ukraine: Darum sind die geplanten "Referenden" illegal [Ukraine – For that reason the planned “referendums” are illegal], interview with WDR on the planned referendums in the Russian occupied parts of Ukraine


10 August 2022 – Zivile Opfer bewusst in Kauf genommen? [Civilian Casualties Deliberately Accepted?], interview with tagesschau.de on Amnesty International’s report on Ukrainian war crimes


10 August 2022 – Völkerrechtler: “Rückeroberung der Krim ist unwahrscheinlich” [International Lawyer: “Recapture of Crimea Is Unlikely"], interview with rbb.24 Inforadio on legal status of Crimea and political and military solutions to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict



11 May 2022 – Ein wertebasiertes Völkerrecht fordert geradezu Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine [An international law based on values requires the delivery of weapons to Ukraine], Hypothesis: the podcast series of the University of Bonn


03 May 2022 – Ukrainische Soldaten trainieren in Deutschland [Ukrainian Soldiers Training in Germany], interview with Deutsche Welle


02 May 2022 – Wann ist ein Land Kriegspartei? [When Does a State Become a Belligerent], interview withSüdwest Presse on the question of arms deliveries to Ukraine and the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Germany

02 May 2022 – Bilanz am Mittag [Taking Stock at Noon], interview with SR2 Kulturradio on the question of arms deliveries to Ukraine and the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Germany


01 March 2022 – Völkerrechtler: Völkermordklage gegen Russland ist wichtig, [International Lawyer: Genocide Case against Russia is Important], interview with MDR Aktuell on Ukraine’s lawsuit against Russia before the International Court of Justice over allegations of genocide in the Donbass region of Ukraine




02 September 2021– Demystifying Maritime Lawfare, podcast conversation with Sameer Patil of Gateway Hose, the Indian Council on Global Relations, on the South China Sea and Russia's recent actions in the Black Sea


14 March 2021 – Germany grapples with its identiy crisis on Syria, interview with Deutsche Welle on Germany’s relations with Syria




16 December 2020 – King of Thailand ‘ruling from Bavarian ski resort’, quoted in The Times on the legal status of Thailand’s King in Germany, The Times, 16 December 2020, p. 35


15 December 2020 – Der König von Bayern [The King of Bavaria], interview with German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung on the legal status of the King of Thailand while living in Germany, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Nr. 290, 15. Dezember 2020, p. 3


10 November 2020 – Entführt und eingesperrt – das Leid eines Deutschen im syrischen Folterknast [Kidnapped and imprisoned – the fate of a German national in Syrian torture chambers], interview with German national TV station ARD, Report Mainz, on possible legal proceedings against Syria before the International Court of Justice for violations of the Torture Convention

28 October 2020 – Thailand protests: pressure mounts on German government over king’s residence, interview with South China Morning Post on international law questions concerning the prolonged presence of the Thailand’s King in Germany


01 September 2020 – Gaskonflikt im Mittelmeer: „Unhaltbare Positionen auf beiden Seiten“ [Gas conflict in the Mediterranean: “untenable positions on both sides”], interview with Wirtschaftswoche on the maritime boundary dispute between Greece and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean


18 June 2020 – REVIEW - Legal Experts At Odds On Whether US Can 'Snapback' Sanctions On Iran After Leaving JCPOA, interview with Sputnik News Agency on the reimposition of the arms embargo on Iran


26 June 2020 – Begriff “Rasse” – Verhindert das Völkerrecht eine Grundgesetzänderung? [The term “race” – does international law create an obstable to changing the constitution], interview with mdr Aktuell on the proposal to delete the term “race” in Article 3 of the German Constitution [https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/podcast/faktencheck/rasse-grundgesetz-bundesverfassungsgericht-voelkerrecht-100.html]



12 March 2019 – Der Tag, interview with Deutschlandfunk (Jasper Barenberg) on the recognition of Juan Guaidó by Germany

[https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/der-tag-brexit-mays-bruecke-wird-nicht-tragen.3415.de.html?dram:article_id=443431](starts 13:42)

27 February 2019 – Venezuela's Chaos Pits BigLaw Giants In $1.2B Battle, interview with Law360 on the appearance of two rival governments representing Venezuela in the US courts


10 February 2019 – Recognition of Juan Guaido as president of Venezuela, interview with James Menendez on BBC World Service Newshour

[https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w172w25mhb61xkn] (34:10 to 38:25)



06 December 2018 – Und was haben sie vom Migrationspakt? [And what does the UN migration pact hold for them?], interview with Heinrich Wefing on the UN migration pact, DIE ZEIT No. 51, 6 December 2018, p. 7 and at https://www.zeit.de/2018/51/stefan-talmon-migrationspakt-einwanderung-vereinte-nationen-regelungen

[https://morgenbladet.no/aktuelt/2018/12/migrasjonspakten-forklart (Norwegian)]

04 October 2018 – Was bringt der Internationale Gerichtshof? [What is the International Court of Justice Good for?], interview with Deutsche Welle on the Order of the ICJ in the case concerning Alleged violations of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America)


11 June 2018 – Darf Italien seine Häfen für Flüchtlinge schließen? [May Italy close ist ports to refugees?], interview with Deutsche Welle on the legality of the port closure

[http://p.dw.com/p/2zJQs (German)]

[http://p.dw.com/p/2zOzk (English)]



27 December 2017 – Die Privilegien der Diplomaten [The privileges of diplomats], interview with broadcaster WDR on privileges and immunities of foreign dipomats and the status of missions of international organizations in Germany


08 December 2017 – Jerusalem als Hauptstadt Israels: „Die USA untergraben das Völkerrecht“ [Jerusalem as capital of Israel: „The USA are undermining public international law“], interview with SpiegelOnline on the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel


21 October 2017 – Artikel 155 und was kommt danach? [Article 155 and what next?], interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the consesequences of the Spanish government invoking Article 155 of the Constitution against Calatonia


12 October 2017 – ‚Hrvatska ima dobre argumente za napuštanje arbitraže, ali...’ [‘Croatia has good arguments to leave arbitration, but…’], interview with Deutsche Welle on Croatia’s refusal to implement the award in the arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia

[http://www.dw.com/hr/hrvatska-ima-dobre-argumente-za-napu%C5%A1tanje-arbitra%C5%BEe-ali/a-40911293 (Croatian)]

[http://www.dw.com/bs/hrvatska-ima-dobre-argumente-za-napu%C5%A1tanje-arbitra%C5%BEe-ali/a-40920482 (Bosnian)]

[http://www.dw.com/sr/hrvatska-ima-argumente-ali/a-40919998 (Serbian)]

[http://p.dw.com/p/2lmNw (German, 13 October 2017: “Stefan Talmon: ‘Es wird politischen Druck seitens der EU auf Kroatien geben’” [Stefan Talmon: ‘The EU will put pressure on Croatia’])]

08 October 2017 – ‚Die Katalanen sind kein Völk im Sinne des Völkerrechts‘ [The Catalans are not a people in terms of international law], interview with German national radio Deutschlandfunk on a potential declaration of independence of Catalonia

[http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/katalonien-und-das-voelkerrecht-die-katalanen-sind-kein.694.de.html?dram:article_id=397710 (report)]

[http://www.podcast.de/episode/364049294/Spanien%2C+Katalonien+und+das+Völkerrecht+-+Interview+mit+Stefan+Talmon/ (podcast)]

05 October 2017 – Es gibt kein Recht auf Abspaltung [There is no right to secede], interview with Deutsche Welle on the independence referendum in Catalonia

[http://www.dw.com/de/es-gibt-kein-recht-auf-abspaltung/a-40806807 (German)]

[http://www.dw.com/es/catalu%C3%B1a-independencia-sin-respaldo/a-40808515 (Spanish)]

[http://allinfo.space/2017/10/04/non-esiste-un-diritto-alla-secessione/ (Italian)]

[http://p.dw.com/p/2lFLa (Turkish)]

[http://p.dw.com/p/2lFAU (Chinese)]

[http://p.dw.com/p/2lFBO (Croatian)]

[http://p.dw.com/p/2lHJy (Portuguese)]

[http://balkanekspresrb.rs/arhive/39369 (Serbian)]

02 October 2017 – ‚Ein Aufstand, der Spaniens Existenz bedroht‘ [An insurrection that threatens Spains existence], interview with Cicero, the magazine for political culture, on the independence referendum in Catalonia


10 April 2017 – ‚US-Angriff war völkerrechtswidrig‘ [US attack contrary to international law‘], interview with Deutsche Welle assessing the US missile attack against Syria

[http://www.dw.com/de/us-angriff-war-v%C3%B6lkerrechtswidrig/a-38373866 (German)]

[http://www.dw.com/en/us-missile-strike-on-syria-a-violation-of-international-law/a-38389950 (English)]

[http://www.dw.com/es/siria-el-ataque-estadounidense-infringi%C3%B3-el-derecho-internacional/a-38383838 (Spanish)]

[http://www.dw.com/p/2b2hf (Arabic)]

08 April 2017 – Durften die Amerikaner Syrien laut Völkerrecht angreifen? [Were the Americans entitled to attack Syria under public international law?], comment on the US missile attack against Syria, Bild print edition, 8 April 2017, p. 4

07 April 2017 – Durften die Amerikaner Syrien überhaupt angreifen? Bild fragte einen Völkerrechtsexperten [Were the Americans entitled to attack Syria? Bild asked an expert on public international law], interview with daily Bild on the US missile attack on Syria


07 April 2017 – Experte sieht US-Luftangriff in Syrien als völkerrechtswidrig [Expert considers US air attack in Syria as violating public international law], interview with German newsagency DPA and distributed by various media outlets




11 October 2016 – Wem gehört das Meer?, interview with the Bonn daily General-Anzeiger, p. 12, on the claim for ocean resources


13 July 2016 – „Der Schiedsspruch ist kontraproduktiv“ [The Arbitral Award is couter productive], interview with Deutsche Welle on the Arbitral Award in the South China Sea Arbitration


12 July 2016 – World Insight: South China Sea Arbitration, first assessment of Final Award of the Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration on China Central Television (CCTV)

[http://english.cntv.cn/2016/07/13/VIDE9dOlIQ2nIzelgzhrki0m160713.shtml] and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fITBeLCAJ04]

7 July 2016 – Interview with Stefan Talmon on South China Sea arbitration, interview with China Central Television (CCTV), World Insight programme, on the South China Sea arbitration

[http://english.cctv.com/2016/07/05/VIDE0BOWT9ZKKs6jXKiecx6V160705.shtml and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8CGhFIWB4c (short version, 3:38 minutes)]

[http://english.cntv.cn/2016/07/07/VIDEegMPKxbTn29PsvWAKLPB160707.shtml and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar0Z9iJ7DSo (full version, 15:48 minutes)]

4 July 2016 – German expert doubts arbitral court’s jurisdiction over South China Sea dispute, Global Times reports on my recent paper on South China Sea dispute


[http://espanol.cctv.com/2016/07/04/ARTI7Gs9cMRbuYcTzlPLAnBV160704.shtml (in Spanish)]

[http://hungarian.cri.cn/1321/2016/07/04/128s195248.htm (in Hungarian)]

[http://german.xinhuanet.com/2016-07/04/c_135487729.htm (in German)]

30 June 2016 – Interview: Arbitration not conducive to South China Sea dispute settlement: German expert, interview with Xinhua on South China Sea arbitration


10 June 2016 – Interview: Chinese warships appeared in disputed waters [in Chinese], interviw with Deutsche Welle on the presence of Chinese warships in the waters surrounding the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands


26 April 2016 – Interview: international arbitration will increase the difficult of solving the South China Sea Dispute [in Chinese], interview with Deutsche Welle on the various disputes in the South China Sea


17 April 2016 – 70 Jahre Internationaler Gerichtshof in Den Haag - "Die Bilanz ist besser als der Ruf" [70th Anniversary of the International Court of Justice in The Hague - "The Record Is Better than the Reputation"], interview with Deutschlandfunk on the role and record of the International Court of Justice




18 August 2015 – "Die großen Fragen bleiben unberücksichtigt" ["The Big Questions Will Remain Unresolved"], interview with Deutsche Welle on the South China Sea arbitration


17 August 2015 – Spotlight: Manila's South China Sea arbitration request to hit nowhere: European experts, interview with Xinhua on the South China Sea arbitration


10 August 2015 – Cleverer Schachzug: Russland und das Prinzip der "Schutzverantwortung" [A Clever Move: Russia and the "Responsibility to Protect"], interview with Das Parlament on Russia's intervention in Ukraine


26 June 2015 – Vereinte Nationen feiern Geburtstag – 70 Jahre UN: Nicht perfekt, aber trotzdem gut [United Nations celebrate 70th anniversary: not perfect, but still good], interview with heute.de on the 70th anniversary of the UN Charter


15 January 2015 - Zweifel an Verfassungsmäßigkeit: Irak-Einsatz auf wackeligen Füßen [Doubts about Constitutionality: Iraq Mission on Shaky Ground], Interview with tagesschau.de on the legality of the German Armed Forces' mission in Iraq




11 December 2014 - Bewaffnete Bundeswehrsoldaten im Irak: Deutschlands nächster Einsatz [Armed German Soldiers in Iraq: Germany's Next Military Mission], Interview with SpiegelOnline on the legality of sending German troops to Iraq


8 November 2014 - Volksbefragung in Katalonien: Wie gründet man einen Staat? [Public Consultation in Catalonia: How to Establish a New State?], Interview with SpiegelOnline on a possible unilateral declaration of independence by Catalonia


6 November 2014 - "Biegen und brechen" Ein Gespräch mit Völkerrechtsprofessor Stefan Talmon über Krieg, Frieden und Doppelmoral ["Bending and Breaking" A Conversation with International Law Professor Stefan Talmon about War, Peace and Double Standards], Interview with the weekly DIE ZEIT on what public international law has to say about current crises and conflicts, print edition, pages 8-9 [for the text of the interview, see here]

1 November 2014 - Interview: Völkerrechtlich sind bewaffnete Drohnen erlaubt [Interview: Armed Drones are Permitted under International Law], Interview with the daily Nordwest Zeitung on the legality of the procurement of armed drones by the German armed forces, print edition, page 2


15/16 March 2014 - Bonner Jurist im Interview, Stefan Talmon: 'Das Völkerrecht schaut nicht auf die Verfassung' [Interview with Bonn Lawyer, Stefan Talmon: 'Public International Law Does Not Care about the Constitution'], Interview with local daily Bonner General-Anzeiger on the situation in Ukraine, print edition, page 4


13 March 2014 - Die sieben wichtigsten Fragen zum Krim-Referendum [The seven most important questions on the referendum in Crimea], Interview with Focus Online on the legality of the referendum in Crimea


8 March 2014 - Russland und das Völkerrecht [Russia and International Law], Interview with Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle on the legal situation in Ukraine

[http://www.dw.de/russland-und-das-v%C3%B6lkerrecht/a-17482493 (in German)]

[http://www.dw.de/crimea-a-breach-of-international-law/a-17483425 (in English)]

[http://www.dw.de/rusia-est%C3%A1-violando-carta-de-naciones-unidas/a-17483563 (in Spanish)]

[http://www.dw.de/eksperci-rosja-pogwa%C5%82ci%C5%82a-prawo-mi%C4%99dzynarodowe/a-17484737 (in Polish)]

7 March 2014 - Völkerrechtler zur Situation auf der Krim [International Lawyer Comments on the Situation in Crimea], Interview with German television news service tagesschau.de on the legal situation in Ukraine


6 March 2014 - Sino-Philippine dispute better settled by honest talks than lawsuits, Review by English-language Chinese newspaper Global Times of the book The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective (edited by Professors Stefan Talmon and Bing Bing Jia)


4 March 2014 - 'Völkerrecht ist die Waffe der Schwachen' ['International Law is the Weapon of the Weak], Interview with German Weekly Die Zeit on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine


25 February 2014 - Doubts cast over Manila's case in South China Sea dispute, Report on article by Professor Talmon on the South China Sea disputes in the Hong Kong daily South China Morning Post




11 December 2013 - Chinese defense zone: "It is symbolic politics", Interview with Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle on the legality of the Chinese air defense identification zone in the East China Sea.

[http://www.dw.de/chinese-defense-zone-its-symbolic-politics/a-17287389 (Englisch)]

[http://www.dw.de/talmon-es-geht-um-symbolpolitik/a-17287006 (German)]

7 November 2013 - 'Völkerrechtlich nicht verboten' ['Not prohibited by public international law'], Interview with daily Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine on the NSA spying on Chancellor Merkel, Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine, 7 November 2013, p. 20

30 October 2013 - Wo das Recht ended [Where Law Ends], Interviewed by Helene Bubrowski of the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the legal aspects of the National Security Agency spying on Chancellor Merkel


7 September 2013 - Europa: Kein Schadensersatz wegen Nato-Angriffs, Interview with Deutsche Welle on the decision of the German Constitutional Court rejecting claims  for damages for Nato's bombardment of the Bridge at Varvarin during the Kosovo conflict in May 1999


31 August 2013 - Syria: Can intervention in Syria be legally justified?, Interview with Deutsche Welle on the legal justification of military action against Syria

[http://www.dw.de/can-intervention-in-syria-be-legally-justified/a-17054717 (English)]

[http://www.dw.de/legitimation-dringend-gesucht/a-17052601 (German)]

30 August 2013 - Anklage statt Bomben [Prosecution rather than bombs], Interview with radio station DRadio Wissen on legal alternatives to bombing Syria in response to the use of chemical weapons


[The interview is available as a podcast]

29 August 2013 - Syrien Konflikt: Vorbereitung auf den Angriff [Conflict in Syria: Preparing for the Attack], Interview with radio station SR2 Kulturradio, Billanz am Mittag, on the legal aspects of possible airstrikes against Syria


19 July 2013 - Cooperation in South China Sea, guest on Chinese television programme (CCTV News) "Dialogue: Ideas Matter". Interviewed together with Professor Bing Bing Jia of Tsinghua University, Beijing, by host Zou Yue on recent developments in the South China Sea

[http://english.cntv.cn/program/dialogue/20130721/100467.shtml (English). Please note that the actual interview starts at 3:48 (total 28:13). The sound volume can be increased by clicking on the speaker/volume sign at the bottom and pressing the Up Arrow key]

23 May 2013 - German scholar suggests Taipei, Manila settle problem privately, Interview with Central News Agency (Lillian Lin) on the dispute between Taipei and Manila over the killing of a Chinese fisherman in their overlapping exclusive economic zones

[http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aall/201305230033.aspx (English);

http://news.chinatimes.com/realtime/110110/112013052301382.html (Chinese)]

22 January 2013 - Conflict: Maritime spat must be resolved 'through negotiations', Interview with Deutsche Welle on the Philippines' institution of arbitration proceedgins against China with regard to the dispute over the West Philippine / South China Sea

[http://www.dw.de/maritime-spat-must-be-solved-through-negotiations/a-16545505 (English);

http://www.dw.de/der-politische-hilferuf-der-philippinen/a-16545477 (German)]



1/2 December 2012 - Echter Staat? Was Ramallah jetzt darf [True State? What Ramallah may do now], Interview with the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1/2 December 2012, p. 10

29 November 2012 - Palästina in den Vereinten Nationen [Palestine in the United Nations], Interview with radioWelt on BR 2 (Barbara Kstolnik) on Palestine's application to the UN General Assembly for observer State status

[Interview available as podast: http://www.ardmediathek.de/bayern-2/am-telefon-der-radiowelt-bayern-2?documentId=12614012]

11 September 2012 - China: Marineschiffe vor umstrittener Inselgruppe [China: Warships off Disputed Island Group], Interview with Deutsche Welle on the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyou islands


28 August 2012 - Embargo: Writschaft als Waffe [Embargo: The Economy as a Weapon], Interview with Deutschlandradio Wissen (presenter: Andrea Rönsberg) on the legal aspects of embargoes


21 June 2012 - Julian Assange wacht arrestatie [Julian Assange Awaits Arrest], Interview with Dutch daily de Volkskrant on Wikileaks founder Juilian Assange seeking diplomatic asylum in the Embassy of Ecuador in London


17 April 2012 - Die Seerechtsstreitigkeiten im Südchinesischen Meer, Interview mit der China Redaktion der Deutschen Welle




5 December 2011 - The Verdict in The Hague Will Not Automatically Open the Door to NATO, Interview with Deutsche Welle on the pending decision of the International Court of Justice in the Case concerning Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v. Greece)

[http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,15573362,00.html;                         http://www.mia.com.mk/default.aspx?vId=89219030&lId=2]

24 September 2011 - How does one become a State? Palestine and the United Nations, Interview with Orange, the weekend magazine of Radio Bavaria 2, on Palestine's application for membership of the United Nations


27 July 2011 - U.K. Recognizes Libyan Rebels as Government, Grants Access to Oil Revenue, Interview with Bloomberg News (Caroline Alexander) on the UK's recognition of the Libyan National Transitional Council [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-27/u-k-recognizes-libyan-rebels-as-government-grants-access-to-oil-revenue.html]

16 July 2011 - Libyan Rebels Get U.S. Recognition Yet Must Wait for Cash, Interview with Bloomberg Businessweek on the U.S.'s recognition of the Libyan National Transitional Council [http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-07-16/libyan-rebels-get-u-s-recognition-yet-must-wait-for-cash.html]

15 April 2011 - Regime Change in Libya and US Security Council Resolutoin 1973, Interviewed on BBC Radio 4 World at One programme (Shaun Ley) on the joint letter by Barak Obama, David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy and resolution 1973 [http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b01075rv]

02 April 2011 - Prosecuting ex-Lybian Foreign Minister Moussa Kussa, Interviewed on BBC Radio 5 live Weekend Breakfast programme (Phil Williams) on jurisdiction of International Criminal Court and UK courts to prosecute ex-Libyan Foreign Minister Mousa Kussa [http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b00zzpfs]

21 March 2011 - Targeting Colonel Qadhafi, Interviewed on BBC Radio 5 live (Peter Allen) on whether UN Security Council resolution 1973 (2011) allows the targeting of Colonel Qadhafi [http://www.bbc.co.uk/5live/]

2 March 2011 - Debating the no-fly zone, Quoted by Jacqueline Head in an Al-Jazeera Feature on no-fly zone over Libya
