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§ JurAnnouncement

We created the monthly newsletter „§ JurAnnouncement“ especially for the guest researcher, master-, erasmus-, and international law students at the Law Department of our faculty. It provides information about events of the Faculty of Law, events at the University of Bonn and suggests recreational activities in Bonn.

The newsletter is offered in different languages:


Do you like our newsletter? Do you have questions or suggestions? If so, please let us know at E-Mail: jura.international@~@jura.uni-bonn.de

You can subscribe to the newsletter and we will send a copy to your mailbox:

§ JurAnnouncement

Um den "§ Jurannouncement"-Newsletter zu erhalten, füllen Sie bitte das nachfolgenden Formular aus und klicken Sie auf „Newsletter anmelden“. Sie erhalten daraufhin eine E-Mail zur Bestätigung Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse:
* = Pflichtfeld