Christopher Bisping, LL.M./Lawyer

Professor Christopher Bisping, LL.M. (Edinburgh)
Christopher Bisping holds a Chair for Comparative Private Law, in particular Consumer Law at Bucerius Law School Hamburg, and is Dean of the Master of Law and Business Program there. Prior to joining Bucerius Law School he has taught in England at the Universities of Warwick and Leicester. Christopher Bisping has worked as a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for foreign and international private law in Hamburg and he was a member of the “Study Group on a European Civil Code”. His research interests lie on the fields of consumer law, contract law and comparative law.
Christopher Bisping has been a member of our FFA-Team since 2012. He is responsible for the course “English Vocabulary for Law: Legal Research” in our first semester.
“As a German jurist who is teaching and doing research abroad, I want to give future jurists the opportunity to gain first experiences in the dealing with foreign law. Moreover, to think “outside the box” contributes to a better understanding of the own system. The collaboration with the highly-motivated students of the FFA is great fun to me and it surprises me every time to see the progress that the students achieve in a short period of time.”
Selected Publications:
- Christopher Bisping (2020) ‘What does a lawyer need to know? Should law students learn about foreign languages and foreign legal systems’, Bonner Rechtsjournal Sonderausgabe, 37-40
- Christopher Bisping (2019) ‘Energy Price Cap – A Disservice to Consumers’ (together with T Dodsworth), 8 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 53-64
- Christopher Bisping (2020) ‘Preparing for withdrawal from the European Union in the United Kingdom (together with C Twigg-Flesner), in Kramme/Baldus/Schmidt-Kessel, Brexit. Privat- und wirtschaftsrechtliche Folgen (ed. 2), § 27, 688-708
- Christopher Bisping (2019) Consumer Protection and the Regulation of Mobile Phone Contracts A Study of Automatically Renewable Long-Term Contracts Across Jurisdictions (mit T Dodsworth), (2019) 42 Journal of Consumer Policy 349-375
- Christopher Bisping (2014) Wenn der Studienanfang schon beinahe das Ende ist – das schnelle Jurastudium in Groβbritannien, in Pilniok and Brockmann, Studieneingangsphase in der Rechtswissenschaft, 206-228
- Christopher Bisping (2012) 'Consumer Protection and Overriding Mandatory Rules in the new Rome I Regulation' in European Consumer Protection Theory and Practice, 239 - 256, Editors: James Devenneyand Mel Kenny, Cambridge: CUP
- Christopher Bisping (2012) 'Conquering the Legal World ? The Use of English in Foreign Courts' European Review Of Private Law 20 (2), 541 - 570
- Christopher Bisping (2011) 'The Case Against Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 in Credit Card Transactions' Journal Of Business Law (5), 457 – 474
- Christopher Bisping (2012) 'Avoid the Statutist Trap: The International Scope of the Consumer Credit Act 1974' Journal of Private International Law 8 (1), 35 - 62
- Christopher Bisping (2011) 'Turbulence Ahead ? of Volcanic Ash, Frustration and EC Passenger Rights' Lloyds Maritime & Commercial L aw Quarterly (4), 546 - 564
Keith Calhoun-Senghor, J.D./B.A.

Keith Calhoun-Senghor, attorney at law (Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia) and solicitor in England and Wales, is a freelance American lawyer and consultant in the fields of corporate law and international private law for U.S., German and global firms in Munich. He has worked as senior counsel at Norton Rose Fulbright in Munich for seven years beforehand. He entered the law office after having practised as an in-house general counsel and freelance attorney in corporate and international private law for American and German industry and technology companies for nearly three decades. Calhoun-Senghor has worked for the U.S. government (department of commerce) in the sector of satellite and space politics as well.
Keith Calhoun-Senghor studied at Harvard Law School as well as at Standford University. Before having started his legal studies, he had been a Fulbright scholar at the University of Bonn. He is fluent in English (first language) and German.
Keith Calhoun-Senghor is a lecturer at our FFA-programme since 2012. He teaches the courses “International Commercial Law” (3. semester), “Civil Litigation in the U.S.” as well as “Constitutional Law in the U.S.” (both 2. semester).
Selected publications and lectures:
- Keith Calhoun-Senghor, Co-author, "Zusammenfassung des 2009 U.S. Konjunkturgesetzes: Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für deutsche Firmen/A Summary of the 2009 U.S. Recovery Act: Business Opportunities for German Firms," published in German and English in the German-American Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, March 2009
- Keith Calhoun-Senghor, "An Overview of Egypt's Anti-Money Laundering Law and Regulations,", 2008 (submitted)
- Keith Calhoun-Senghor,"An Overview of Egypt's Law Establishing Economic Courts," GAT Magazine, 2008 (submitted)
- Keith Calhoun-Senghor, "Implementing a Phased and Integrated Strategy Toward Space," Cosmos Club Journal, Fall 2004
- Keith Calhoun-Senghor, Editor, “Trends in Commercial Space”, online publication providing analysis of emerging business areas and commercial space trends, 1996 – 1999
- "The U.S. Legal System and the Common Law: A Legal System as a Precursor to National Success," Guest lecturer, University of New York in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2011
- "Germany's View of the U.S.: A U.S. Business Lawyer's Perspective from Munich," Guest lecturer, Worrell Honors Program for Study Abroad, Virginia Intermont College, Munich, Germany, June 2011
- "Business Opportunities Under the U.S. Recovery Act: How to Avoid Pitfalls/Geschäftsmöglichkeiten im Rahmen des U.S. Konjunkturprograms: Wie sich Juristische Fallstricke vermeiden Lassen," Speech in German at U.S. Energy Market Seminar, Erneuerbare Energien, IHK Dresden und Wirtschaftsföderung Sachsen, Dresden, Germany, October 2010
- "Insurance and Consumer Protection Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act/Versicherungs- und Verbraucherschutzbestimmungen des Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform und Verbraucherschutzgesetz," Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. web seminar presentation in German, September 2010
- "Provisions of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act as they Relate to German Music Instrument Manufacturers/Bestimmungen des U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement Gesetzes in Bezug auf deutsche Musikinstrumente," Speech in German to the Federal Organization of Music Instrument Manufacturers/Bundesverband der deutschen Musikinstrumenthersteller, Nürnberg, Germany, August 2010
- "Doing Successful Business in the U.S.A.: How to Avoid Traps – Concluding Successful Agreements with U.S. Partners/Erfolgreiche Geschäfte in den USA: Wie sich Fallstricke vermeiden lassen - Erfolgreiche Verträge mit U.S. Partnern," Fulbright & Jaworski on-line web seminar presentation in German, May 2010
- "The Buy American Provisions and Financial Incentives in the U.S. Recovery Act; Business Opportunities under the U.S. Recovery Act: Infrastructure, Renewable Energy and More/Die 'Buy American' Bestimmungen und Finanzielle Anreize im amerikanischen Konjunkturpaket," Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. web seminar presentation in German, March 2010
- "Green Public Private Partnerships - A Transatlantic Market of Ideas: The U.S. Approach - Incentives for Voluntary Action," Munich, Germany 2009
Sylvia DeTar

Sylvia DeTar, Attorney at Law (Kalifornien), ist Rechtsanwältin bei Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP in Köln und berät Mandanten insbesondere in den Bereichen Wettbewerbsrecht, ESG Litigation und Pro Bono. Außerdem lehrt sie an der Phillips-Universität Marburg. Bevor sie als Anwältin tätig wurde, arbeitete sie als Referentin von Richter Grewal im Northern District of California. Sylvia DeTar studierte an der Berkeley Law School, der University of Washington und der Simon Fraser University. Sie spricht Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch.
Sylvia DeTar ist seit 2024 in unserem FFA-Programm aktiv. Sie unterrichtet den Kurs „Core Subjects of Common Law“.
Ausgewählte Publikationen und Vorträge:
- “Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action opens consultation on competition and sustainability in Germany and the EU", Cleary Antitrust Watch, March 27, 2023.
- “CMA Consults on Environmental Sustainability Agreement Guidelines" Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, March 17, 2023 (co-author with Jackie Holland, Maurits Dolmans, Ranulf Outhwaite, Wanjie Lin, and Clara Cibrario Assereto).Panel speaker at the Berkeley Journal of International Law’s Riesenfeld Symposium, “Antitrust Enforcers: A New Era of Global Regulation,” February 2022.
- “The California Bar Exam: An Experience Report,” DAJV, July 30, 2021 (co-author Martin Metz).
- "The Unified Theory of Yousafzai", 1/2020 Marburg Law Review 12 (2020).
- Presentation for the Pro Bono Studentische Rechtsberatung Freiburg e.V.’s BSRB Symposium, “Law Clinics, Pro Bono, USA und Deutschland: Ein Vergleich,” October 2016.
- “German Federal Constitutional Court Confirms Liberal View On Service Of Process Under Hague Convention,” January 7, 2016 (co-authors Richard Kreindler, Rüdiger Harms, and Johannes Schmidt).
- “Fueling Responsibility: Rocky Mountain Farmers Union V. Corey,” 41 Ecology Law Quarterly 605, 2014.
- “Federal Circuit Review of International Trade Commission Determinations After City of Arlington,” ITC-TLA 337 Reporter, Volume XXXVI (2013) (co-author Evan Brewer).
- “Review of Adjudication In Religious Family Laws: Cultural Accommodation, Legal Pluralism, And Gender Equality In India,” By Professor Gopika Solanki, 30 Berkeley Journal Of International Law 650, 2012.
Christopher Harry Grierson, lecturer in English
Christopher Harry Grierson, lecturer in English, is a lecturer with special responsibilities at the University of Bonn’s Department of Law. He worked as an English lecturer, translator and examiner for the “Cambridge”-certificate in Germany and Denmark since 2001. He was a member of Bonn University’s language center from 2008 onwards until he changed to the Department of Law in 2010. Christopher Grierson studied pedagogy and theories of education at the universities of Holstebro and Frederiksberg/ Copenhagen in Denmark.
Christopher Grierson has been part of our FFA-programme from the start and teaches the course “Legal Vocabulary - Discussing Legal Concepts - Presentations” in the first semester of the programme. Besides, he is responsible for the conception of the final exams and helps to further develop the FFA-programme.
Courtney Lotfi, J.D. / B.A.

Courtney Lotfi has lectured on US Civil Litigation at the FFA-program since 2018. As an active practitioner, Courtney focuses her scholarship at the FFA on the practical aspects of litigation practice, which culminates in a mock trial at the end of the semester. Away from the FFA, Courtney focuses her practice on international dispute resolution and acts as counsel, arbitrator and consultant across all sectors with particular emphasis in energy, construction and industrial engineering, and life sciences matters. Her corporate work extends to post-M&A, joint venture and shareholder disputes.
In addition, Courtney is a co-founder of the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days, is a member of the VIAC’s energy expert focus group and was a member of the ICC's Task Force on Disability Inclusion in Arbitration, which published its Guide to Disability Inclusion in International Arbitration and ADR in 2023. For this work, Courtney has been recognized by Who's Who Legal / Lexology Index (Future Leader, Most Highly Regarded Future Leader, and Recommended), the Global Arbitration Review, Legal 500 (DACH Powerlist and Rising Star), Best Lawyers and Handelsblatt, among others. For the past two years, Courtney has also been named to the Virginia Bar Association’s Pro Bono Honor Roll.
Courtney obtained her BA with highest distinction from Franklin College Switzerland in Lugano, Switzerland and her JD cum laude from Pace University School of Law in New York, where she was the CISG book editor of the international law review, Vis moot court team member, and a research assistant to Professor Darren Rosenblum. She is licensed in the United States (Virginia) and is a registered foreign lawyer in Germany (Frankfurt). She works in English and German and speaks some Italian.
A selection of Courtney’s recent publications and lectures include:
- Co-editor and contributing author, International Arbitration in Practice (forthcoming Kluwer 2025 publication).
- Author of Kluwer Practical Insight on “Set Aside in International Arbitration” (forthcoming 2025 publication).
- Keynote speaker, “Learning from Each Other to Forge a Better Future”, University of Bonn FFA awards ceremony (December 2024).
- Moderator of a panel discussion entitled “Putting the ‘International’ in International Arbitration, Berlin Dispute Resolution Days (September 2024).
- Co-author of Persuasion by Design: Crafting Memorable Advocacy in Arbitration, Harvard Arbitration Review (June 2024).
- Moderator of a moot-style debate on “reasonable accommodation in international arbitration,” jointly supported by the ICC, MAA, and MyAbility (March 2024).
- Author of Document Production in International Arbitration – a Practical Guide, Lexis Nexis Practice Note (February 2024).
- Moderator of a debate on “reasonable accommodation: between efficiency, procedural fairness and inclusiveness; is a clash inevitable?,” ICC Poland Conference on Disability Inclusion in International Arbitration: Make Arbitration a Better Place (December 2023).
- Report on the ICC Guide on Disability Inclusion in International Arbitration and ADR, Mute Off Thursdays (virtual, November 2023).
- Co-author of Party and Counsel Ethics in the Taking of Evidence, in The Guide to Evidence in International Arbitration (Global Arbitration Review 2023, 2nd edition).
- Speaker on “from awareness to action: fostering diversity and inclusion in the practice of international arbitration,” Columbia Arbitration Week (September 2023).
- Speaker on “opening statements,” DIS40 Frankfurt (March 2023).
- Co-author of Shareholder and Corporate Claims in Investment Arbitration: An Avenue to Bring ESG-related Claims?, in Austrian Arbitration Yearbook 2022.
- Moderator of a panel discussing “the European energy market today, its challenges, opportunities, and what’s on the horizon,” Arb|Aut and YAPP Annual Meeting and Joint Conference (December 2022).
- Speaker on “insolvency in arbitration,” Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration / Chartered Institute of Arbitrators International Arbitration Conference 2022 (November 2022).
- Speaker reporting on “the work of the Task Force on Disability Inclusion in Arbitration,” ICC Commission Meeting, Miami (October 2022).
- Speaker on “efficient dispute management tools for protecting investments,” 4th Dispute Resolution Forum: Navigating Through Crises – Speeding Up the Energy Transition (October 2022).
- Author of The Role of Arbitration in the Evolution of European Gas Prices and Pricing, special edition of Der Gesellschafter in Festsheft für Günther J. Horvath zum 70. Geburtstag (October 2022).
- Speaker on “did discovery / document production ever lead to the truth?,” DIS Autumn Conference (September 2022).
- Co-author of Arbitrators’ Independent Research in Arbitration: Permissible or Problematic?, SchiedsVZ (July/August 2022).
- Co-author of Case Note: The Case of the Curious Arbitrator, in SchiedsVZ, 47 (January/February 2022).
Domen Tursic

Domen Tursic ist Associate in der internationalen Schiedsverfahrensgruppe von Freshfields in Frankfurt. Er ist spezialisiert auf Schiedsverfahren (sowohl Investitions- als auch Handelsschiedsverfahren) und internationales Recht. Domen Tursic berät und vertritt Unternehmen und souveräne Staaten in einer Vielzahl von Sektoren, darunter Infrastruktur, erneuerbare Energien, Bergbau und Finanzdienstleistungen. Zu den jüngeren Beispielen seiner Arbeit gehören die Vertretung eines europäischen Staates in einem ICSID-Schiedsverfahren, das aufgrund mehrerer bilateraler Investitionsverträge wegen der Kündigung einer Hafenkonzession angestrengt wurde, die Vertretung eines großen Industrieunternehmens in einem Post-M&A-Schiedsverfahren nach den ICC-Regeln und die Beratung mehrerer internationaler Organisationen bei ihren Finanzierungsverträgen und Bankgarantien, die dem Völkerrecht unterliegen. Bevor er zu Freshfields kam, unterrichtete Domen internationales Recht an der Universität von Ljubljana. Er hat einen LL.M. der Universität Cambridge und ist slowenischer Rechtsanwalt.
Dr. Kerstin Petersen

Dr. Kerstin Petersen (PhD) tritt im August 2023 in die Juristische Fakultät der Universität Bonn ein. Sie hat in Vergleichender Literaturwissenschaft an der Binghamton University (NY, USA) promoviert und war als Lehrbeauftragte und Adjunct an verschiedenen Fakultäten der Binghamton University tätig (der Fakultät für die Schreibinitiative, der Fakultät für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft und der Fakultät für Germanistik und Russistik).
Kerstin Petersen begleitet das FFA-Programm als Dozentin für Englisch. Zusammen mit Christopher Grierson ist sie für die Abschlussprüfungen zuständig und unterstützt die Studierenden bei sprachlichen und administrativen Fragen.
Bitte zögern Sie nicht, sie zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie Fragen zur Sprache oder zur Verwaltung des FFA-Programms haben.