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International Legal Terminology

The students receive insight into to foreign legal systems and their characteristics and learn at the same time the essentials of the relevant specific terminology.

For more details concerning the course dates and content we refer to the information on Basis.

After regular attendance to the lectures and passing the exam, you will receive a certificate for your linguistic skills in a foreign language (Schein über die Fremdsprachenkompetenz nach § 7 Abs 1. Nr. 3 des JAG NRW vom 11. März 2003 in der Fassung des zweiten Gesetzes zur Änderung des JAG NRW vom 17.11.2021)

Please note that in some instances (e.g. Introduction to Anglo-American Law) you do not have to register separately online in Basis for the obligatory exam at the end of the lectures. This registration is time- and technical-independent from the registration of the intermediate exams and the exams of your area of focus.

For all the other exams of the foreign language courses of the law faculty there is no electronic registration currently envisaged, either.

Generally, we understand your registration for the course automatically as the registration for the participation in the exam. In case you do not want to attend the exam, please notify your lecturer. Only for the course “Introduction to Anglo-American Law” you do not have to do anything if you do not want to take part in the exam.

For further questions please contact the coordination of the foreign language training.

In order to register for the language modules offered by the language center of the University of Bonn, please pay attention to the instructions!

Further information